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Sirius mustered up all his strength to turn to a dog, he saw the daily prophet from Fudge and he saw someone he thought had died.

He saw his good old friend Peter Pettigrew and he promises to take revenge, he would kill the traitor, who killed The Potter's.

When he was at his dog form he carefully slipped out of the bars of his cell, and started to get out of Azkaban, while he was walking he knows that no Dementor's going to catch him, for a Dementor can't track an animal's emotion, it's difficult for them.

While he was at that cell all he thought about was Diana, and how was she doing with their boys.

He remembered very well that they had an argument in naming their eldest son, they argued on giving him Lyall's name, as a middle name, and argued if they're going to keep it as a constellation or a star, in the end Sirius won, and they gave him Sirius' middle name.

If he can recall their first born's name was Archer, while their youngest son's name was Scorpius.

He looked at the ring in his right hand, it was the same ring Diana gave him back then, the ring with theqA as Gryffindor emblem.

As he got out of Azkaban he knows that it will be at the Daily Prophet.

His first destination was very easy to guess, he was going to find Harry, and by his calculations Hagrid took him to Lily's sister, Petunia.

He knows exactly where to find them, at Privet Drive.

He knows that he has to run to get their, and he knows he needs to stop at somewhere, but he's Sirius Black, he can get their, and he will do everything in his power to do it.

As he ran all day hoping to see his Godson he almost lost hope, for no one was getting out of any house.

He waited there a little longer until he saw a boy, a boy who looks exactly like James it was Harry, and by the looks of it he's running away, as he was going to approach him, The Knight Bus approach.

He sighed and ran to Yorkshire, that's another place he wants to go, he wants to badly see them, his son, and the love of his life.


Ones he was sure he was at Yorkshire, he went to the woods, he wanted to turn back to himself, he was sick of running around as Padfoot.

Ones he turned back to his normal self he layed in the the grass and looked at the stars he started to name the stars and constellations that he recognise.

He started to think what could've happened if he didn't left Diana, and the twins.

"If I stayed something worse will happen to them" He said to himself.

He imagined what his twins looked like, but his thoughts were cut off when he heard footsteps coming his way he turned back to a dog and hid in the bushes.

"Aight this is our spot" The boy with jet black hair said Sirius looked at them and Listened to their conversation.

"Aren't you curious about the locket in Mum's table?" The boy continued, and Sirius heard a hum from the boy beside the first one who spoke.

"I'm curious of course, I mean you don't see a locket that has the Gryffindor emblem in it everyday, do you?" The other boy said, this time he saw the boy's face they were twins, and he had an idea on who they are.

"What are your elective classes again?" The boy with Brown hair asked.

"Arithmacy, and Care of Magical Creatures" The with Jet black hair said, as he took a flask out, Sirius had the urge to jump on the boy and take it, but restrained himself.

"Still don't know why you carry that around" The boy said.

He drank from it and gave it to the other.

"I should've known" The boy said as he gave it back to the boy with jet black hair.

"What can I say water is water" He said with a laugh.

"Back to the topic, how about yours?" He said looking at him curiously Sirius had a thought on who they are, but he doesn't want to jump to conclusions.

"Divination and Care of Magical Creatures" He said as he looked at the sky.

"I think Hagrid's our Professor" Sirius had to stop himself from laughing at what the boy said.

"Don't be daft, no Professor in the right mind will give books that can bite your whole hand off with just a wrong move" With that he tried not to laugh at the boy.

"You do have a point" the other one said.

"But are you really sure about divination, you know they said Trelawney's a bit-" The boy with black hair said as he rolled a finger in his head.

"Don't judge that quick" the other said.

"Alright then smartass give me a wise deduction on Trelawney" The boy said facing the other boy, his hands crossed at his chest.

"I don't know I haven't met her" The boy with Brown hair said, and the other one shooked his head.

"Alright then how can you be damn sure that Dad didn't love us" The boy asked ones again said, Sirius couldn't help, but think.

'Can these boys be my beloved twins?"

"I mean you haven't met him, I haven't met him" The boy ones again said challenging the boy.

"I've heard the stories and that was enough" The boy countered and Sirius can tell that the boy with black hair smirked at the boy.

"But you know that there's a reason about everything, and you also know that maybe he could've done that for us" He said and Sirius' heart soften at the two boys.

"If there's a reason there's also an option" The boy with brown hair said, Sirius was watching them and was hanging to every word, and the locket was one of it.

"But sometimes when you take the other option something more dangerous might happen" The black haired boy said again.

The other boy frowned and groaned at his brother.

"Fine you win" He said and the other laughed.

"You're going to give up that easily?" The boy with black hair said.

"I couldn't think of another comeback" The other said, and laughed.

"Let's go back, we're early tomorrow" The boy with brown hair said as he stood up, and offered the other his hand the boh gladly took it, and the other hoisted him up.

The two left, and Sirius turned back to his human form, and watched the two leave.

"The boy with brown hair reminds me so much of myself, the other reminds me of Faye" He quietly said as he saw the two goofing around while walking.

He wanted to follow the two, but he knows he needs to be at Hogwarts, and that's what he did, he continued his journey to Hogwarts.



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