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"Diana Faye Lupin, get your arse down here Dad's furious about how long you take" Diana's twin brother said and neared the door of their room.

It's their first year at Hogwarts and they don't wanna be late, but at this rate, they might as well just miss the train.

"I'm coming Remmy, don't worry" Diana said nearing her brother with her bags, her brother grinned in triumph when he saw that Diana was annoyed.

"Aww, 'lil Diana's angry" Remus said in a mocking tone.

"Shut it and hurry up, you said it earlier Dad's furious" Diana said and went down and Remus laughed at her.

"Hey Ana sorry, for annoying you earlier," Remus said once the two were heading to the platform.

"Now Ana, Remus, the two of you go after your Dad, I'll be right behind you," Their Mother Hope said and the two nodded and followed their Father Lyall through the wall.

Once they entered a scarlet train greeted them the two grinned at each other before saying their goodbyes to their parents.

Once the two found a compartment, they sat there in peace, you see they shared the same interests, both of them liked to read and study hard.

But Remus has this one condition he has to undergo every month you see at a very young age Remus was attacked by a Werewolf and now he has to face the consequences.

"Mind if we get in everywhere else is full" A boy with messy black hair asked.

"We don't mind at all", Remus answered for the two of them and the two boys went inside their compartment, one sat beside Remus, and The other beside Diana.

"I'm James Potter," The boy who spoke earlier said, the twins were sitting opposite from each other, and with one look they closed their books in sync and looked at the two who gladly joined them at their compartment.

"Remus. Remus Lupin" Remus introduced himself first and the two smiled.

"I'm Sirius. Sirius Black" The boy with black hair said, and smiled at them.

"Diana, Diana Lupin," Diana said now looking at them.

"Twins?" James asked the two and they nodded gleefully.

Sirius stared at Diana the girl was stunning.

"If you're a Black then I'm guessing you'd be another Slytherin?" Diana questioned Sirius and Sirius' blood boiled.

"No— erm, I think I'll break that legacy. Blacks are always sorted in Slytherin. I think it's time that it's broken, I don't care about blood purity. That's already a flaw if I'm not mistaken," Sirius said proudly, and Diana smiled at him, if you'd ask Sirius it was one of the prettiest smiles he ever seen, the only smile he'd seen in a while.

"I'd rather be in any house except Slytherin" James said with a groan, and the three laughed at him.

"Remus, where'd you get your scars?" James asked curiously, and Remus looked at Diana nervously.

If you ask Diana she found this rude, but then again it is quite engaging. Remus's scars are something that they get asked a lot, it isn't new to them, but every time someone asks Remus gets nervous and she understands why.

"He gets in accidents a lot" Diana said, and the two seemed to believe her.

"Mate what house are the three of you hoping to be sorted at, I'll bet I'll be in Gryffindor" James said looking at the three, by now Diana knows that James gives off that vibe— the proud Gryffindor vibe.

"Gryffindor as well" The three answered in unison, Diana looked out the window and got her book once more.

"Hey whatcha reading?" Sirius asked when Diana went quiet.

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