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"He was his friend" Harry said as they were making their way to the Gryffindor tower.

"And Mum trusted him in everything, he was a git" Archer spat, Ron and Hermione listened to their rants the whole way to the tower.

"What's happening?" Archer said trying to look at the front.

"I don't know, maybe Neville forgot the password again", Ron said.

"Hey, I'm right here" Neville said from behind them.

"Oh, sorry about that" Ron said and Neville brushed it off.

"What's happening here?" Percy said.

"Out of my way" He said and the crowd split into two to let him in.

"Get Professor Dumbledore!" Percy said and surprisingly they did, Ones Dumbledore was called he was with McGonagall.

"Where's the fat lady?" Dumbledore said as he reached the portrait they had a view of it, and the portrait was lashed.

"Sir Cadagon" Dumbledore said and a knight went to view.

"Can you please find the fat lady?" He said and the Knight saluted before he began his search.

"Sir I've found him!" Cadagon said, and Dumbledore went to the portrait.

"Who did this to you?" Dumbledore calmly asked the portrait.

"It was Sirius Black Sir, he got angry when I didn't let him in, he was armed, he sliced my portrait" The fat lady said, and she followed it with a shriek and a cry.

"All of you to the Great Hall" Dumbledore said and they marched to the hall.

"All teachers come with me" Dumbledore said.

All of them went to the Great Hall, that night as well all of the students were forced to sleep in sleeping bags.

"I warned you Professor-"

"No Severus he's not" Dumbledore said.

The two didn't know that Harry, and Archer was listening to the conversation that they were having.


"You really think he was here?" Draco asked Scorpius ones they were let in their Common Room.

"I don't think so, if he was here the Dementors could've catched him" Scorpius said as they entered their dorm.

As he was putting his books in his bag he remembered something.

"Oi, Drake?", He said and Draco looked at him.

"Have you seen my Sketchbook and my other book?" He asked and Draco shooked his head.

"No, maybe you misplaced it", Draco said and Scorpius just hummed.

As they were walking to their first class, Scorpius was thinking why the Dementors didn't suspect his father.

'A Dementor can sense humans, but they can't sense animals" Scorpius thought then it hit him, what if the dog, the rat, and the stag that was always in the shack was the three.

"Draco, tell McGonagall I have a small meeting with my Uncle I'll be back!" Scorpius said as he ran to the other side of the castle.

"Oi-" Draco called him, but it was to late he already turned a pillar.

As Scorpius ran through the halls, all he had in mind was that, maybe his Father was an Animagus, if so he knows how he got out of Azkaban.

"Excuse me Professor" Scorpius said, and the whole class that his Uncle was teaching looked at him.

"Ah, Mr. Black, what do you need?" Remus asked looking at him, Scorpius winced at the name and glared at his Uncle

"May I talk to you Professor?" He said pleading that he will say yes, Remus catching on nodded.

"I'll be back in a few minutes, you may continue" Remus said as he went out of the Classroom.

"I want you to be honest with me Uncle Rem" Scorpius said and Remus nodded.

"Is Dad an Animagus? Were they all Animagus?" Scorpius asked sternly, he was looking into Remus' eyes.

With a sigh, Remus nodded at him.

"I'm guessing He's the Dog, Uncle Prongs's the Stag, and Uncle Peter's the rat, am I correct?" Scorpius said and Remus smiled at him.

"I'm still not used that you're a fast thinker than your brother" Remus said with a smile on his face, and was about to go in when Scorpius called him again.

"Is this familiar to you?" He asked his Uncle showing him a small dagger, Remus' eyes widen and shooked his head, but he knows very well who owns it.

"Where did you find it?" Remus asked.

"Near the entrance to the common room" He said and Remus nodded.


"You're lying" Scorpius said.

"W-what?" Remus repeated.

"Be thankful Uncle Reg thought me and Archer Legilimency" He said before he left his Uncle dumbfounded.

Scorpius knew where he had to go, but first he was going to class it's more important than going in his silly little mission.

He knows Hermione has the answer and he just needs to find her alone, so that the others wouldn't hear the conversation.

"Sorry if I'm late Professor, My Uncle had to talk to me" Scorpius said as he reached McGonagall's Classroom.

"It's quite alright Mr. Black" McGonagall said, He once again winced at the name.

'Second Fucking time I've been called a Black" He said to himself as he sat down at his chair beside Draco.

That day all he had in mind was the dagger, and what it meant to his Uncle, and why he didn't tell the truth that it was Sirius'.



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