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This will have a lot of time skip, and after this I think the next chapter will be after their seventh year, when they're part of the order, I'll try to fit all the events in one chapter



As December arrived the Slug Club's party was approaching as well.

"Lily who are you taking" Diana asked Lily for the tenth time today.

"I told you A Ravenclaw", He said as they made their way to Transfiguration.

"Fine" Diana said in defeat.


Slughorn's Party went great and It was true that Athena made Regulus her date.

The party wasn't that fun if you'd ask them, they were made to sit in the round table and hear Slughorn with all of his stories, they were fascinating, but it was boring.


As their Seventh year came, Remus grew taller than expected, he was taller than Sirius now, and was the tallest in the group.

No one uttered a word when They caught Diana and Sirius snogging, but it did surprise them when Remus didn't scold the two.


It was a bigger shock when James was made head-boy, it was no Surprise that Lily was going to be head-girl.

"What came to Dumbledore's mind?" Diana said one fine morning.

"The old man has something planned I can feel it" Remus replied as they left the library.


As many events went to their lives that year, they were happy, despite the Dark Lord rising.

As Halloween came Lily, and James became good friends.

And of course The Marauders Map, was confiscated by Filch thanks to Sirius who misplaced the map, and Filch was in the area cleaning, and decided to take the parchment.

"Should I mind asking?" James said to Lily as they were sitting with their friends.

"Well go on with it" Lily said smiling at him.

"And I can tell that you're nervous" She continued, and James looked at him quizzically.

"You usually scratch your hair when you're nervous, you stick your tongue out when you think, when you're confused your brows furrow" Lily stated and James smiled.

"Eleven am sharp, don't make me regret my decision James" She said smiling at him, and the group was shocked, Lily Evans had called James Potter by his first name.

"J-James?" He said unsure.

"Yes, Isn't that your name?" She said and James nodded happily.


They were content with what was happening, but Losing someone was, one thing that they feared the most, Lily has lost her parents, and a few days ago, Remus, and Diana's Father had written, and told the two that their Mother is gravely ill.

"Faye I'm always here" Sirius said one night at the Gryffindor common room, when he saw Diana clutched at the couch near the fireplace.

"She'll be alright" Sirius said as he hugged Diana closer to him.

"Shh" He said as Diana was crying at his chest.

The two stayed their in silence, Remus went down from the dormitory, and gestured for Sirius to leave, the boy left, and Remus held his sister tight.

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