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It has been a month since they started their sixth year, and no one noticed it until, Dumbledore announced the Halloween feast.

"I can't believe we have another stressful week" Marlene said as she sat down in a table at the library with Lily, Diana, and Alice.

"Good morning to you as well" Diana said as she looked at Marlene who had a stack of books.

She picked a book and another from the pile and saw that they're all about Astronomy.

"You know that Lunar Phases are very easy" Diana said, and Marlene huffed.

"For you it's easy because you have that watch thingy, and I need to read them from books" She groaned, and Alice rolled her eyes at her friend.

"I grew up knowing the Lunar Phases" Diana said, and Lily chuckled.

"Well let's start now shall we?" Lily said as she started to teach Marlene in Astronomy.

"The last time I check Astronomy's Diana's Charm" Marlene stated and Lily passed the book to Diana.

"Well let's start then" Diana said and she started to teach Marlene, and Lily thought Alice Charms.

"Hello ladies" A voice stated the four girls looked up and saw The Infamous Marauders.

"Please leave us" Diana said looking James Straight in the eye, James pouted.

"Why so Little Ann" James said in a voice that made Diana crack a smile, and Sirius was getting Jealous, this was one of the consequences on not telling their friends, but it's alright if they don't know yet.

"Because I will kill you" Lily said who was beside Alice, and glared at James.

"That's not how you treat your future Husband Lily-Flower" James said in a pout.

"I will never marry you, you toe-rag" Lily said and went out of the library.

"Great, now I have to teach them both, tell me James what's the real reason you're here?" Diana said raising a brow at her friend, James became serious and looked her straight in the eye, and forced a smile.

"Now?" Diana asked shocked, and It was obvious the two were hiding something, and Sirius was curious.

"Let's go" Diana said and pulled Janes to a corner, Sirius was raging ones more.

"What's up with them?" Sirius spat looking at them talking.

"Maybe it's something private, they need their privacy you know" Alice said.

"And why do you care, she's still not yours" Remus countered, Sirius wanted to shout at them, he wanted to tell them that, that girl in front of James is his, and his Girlfriend.

Sirius stormed off the library, and went to the Astronomy tower, he sat near the edge, and started to smoke, it was a habit of his.

He took a flask from his pocket, a flask he promised he will never use again, but nonetheless he took a swig out of it.

He was doing that for minutes when someone took the flask, and the cigarettes from him.

"It'll kill you someday" Diana said as she sat down beside Sirius, the boy scoffed and tried to reach for the flask and his pack of cigarettes from Diana, but the girl was smart, for she took her wand and the flask and the pack disappeared.

"What's up" Diana said as she looked at Sirius, Sirius huffed in response and looked the other way, trying to avoid the girl's eyes.

"How 'bout you tell James, you seem comfortable", He spat, and Diana chuckled.

"We're just friends" Diana replied, now Sirius looked at her and rolled his eyes.

"Then why do you need to go to a corner and talk? Tell me Darling, what are you talking about?", Sirius said in a low dangerous voice.

"It's about Lily, and you should not be jealous, you're the only boy I love" Diana said and Sirius smiled at her.

"I was jealous" Sirius said chuckling softly at his actions.

"He's you're bestfriend you shouldn't be" Diana said as she looked at him in the eye ones more.

"I'm an idiot" He said laughing.

"Hopefully my idiot" Diana said, and Sirius caressed her cheeks with a smile.

"Indeed I am your Idiot" He said as he kissed Diana with passion.

"You're my world" Sirius said ones they broke apart from the kiss, he caressed the girls cheek and she smiled at him.

"And your mine" Diana said with a smile, and Sirius ones again kissed the girl.


The next day they were listening at Herbology, but Sirius didn't pay much attention to what their Professor was saying.

He looked at Diana, and Diana looked at him, and smiled, Sirius returned it and had the urge to listen to whatever Professor Sprout was discussing.

"Now I think it's best if you take a break, you can go to the Library, and use your time wisely my dears" Professor Sprout said.

Sirius didn't think twice he grabbed Diana and ran out of the Green House.

Remus was curious, and looked at James.

"Is it alright if I borrow your cloak, and can I have the map?" Remus said, and James shooked his head.

"Why not?" Remus said his brows furrowed, but his friend only had an amused look.

"Because I'm coming with you" He said with a goofy grin.

"Can I join?" Lily asked from a distance and James eagerly nodded.

With that the two Marauders put the cloak around them, and Lily was fascinated by it.

"This is the Marauders map" James said, and said the chosen words, and the blank parchment, had multiple names in it.

"You made this?" Lily asked and The two nodded.

"Sirius drew the whole thing, and I charmed it, and we made sure to know everything here" James said and Lily nodded, the three of them looked at two names.

"They're at the tower" Lily said pointing to two names in the Gryffindor common room, the three of them walked to the Gryffindor tower, and saw the two.

As they walked under the cloak they saw Diana lying down the couch her head in Sirius' lap.

"Are they dating?" James asked in disbelief.

"Obviously" Lily, and Remus said in the same time.

"Let's leave them, we'll confront them later" James said, and they left the common room.


Authors note:

Hey guys! Thank you for reading my book, and I'm sorry if it doesn't reach the expectation, you were hoping for!

Don't be a silent reader, you can comment! And if it's a bad remark keep it to yourself sweet heart, it's hard to write a story, you write let's see what you've got.


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