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It's been a week and Sirius wasn't even approaching Diana, and Diana was fine with it, she can focus on her studies more, and She can tell that Sirius was enjoying himself.

And Diana was happy to know that The Marauders stopped pranking Severus, but there were some occasions that they would pick on other students.

As they were taking notes for Potions, Slughorn called Diana, and Sirius, and told them to stay behind.

"Go on Love, I'll be with you in a minute" Sirius told Marlene and the girl nodded, before kissing his cheek.

"I assume you know why you're here?" Slughorn said looking at the two sternly.

"No Sir" Sirius said, and Slughorn looked at Diana.

"I have a feeling Sir" She said looking down.

"It's good that you have an Idea Ms. Lupin" Slughorn said, and Diana sunk in her seat.

"Mr. Black I would like to know if you attended any of your lessons with Ms. Lupin", Professor Slughorn, said and Sirius' eyes widen, then shook his head.

"I see, now Ms. Lupin why isn't he taking his lessons?" Slughorn asked the girl, who was still looking down, Sirius gave her a worried look.

"It was my fault Professor" She said, Sirius' eyes widen ones more, it wasn't Diana's fault, he was being irresponsible, and Diana was taking the blame.

"No Sir she's Lying, for the past week I haven't attended any of our lessons", Sirius said looking at Diana with a smile.

"I see, then you are free for today, I'm going to tell your Professors, that you're in the library studying, you may go", Slughorn said ushering the two out.

"Why?" Sirius said looking at Diana.

"What do you mean?" Diana asked walking beside him, while they approached their friends.

"Don't act dumb Faye, you know what I'm talking about" Sirius said.

"You don't want to get in much trouble now, do you?" Diana said, and Sirius just nodded.

"What did Slughorn want?" Marlene said snaking an arm around Sirius.

"Just the tutor schedule" Sirius said, and Lily looked at Diana, even Alice was shocked she thought she'll give him a hard time, the Marauders were also amused.

"We're free for the day, we'll be at the library" Diana said, pulling Sirius away from Marlene.

When Diana pulled Sirius, Alice had a smirk on her face, she looked at Marlene and excused herself and Lily.

"What is it Al?" Lily asked Alice who was looking at her with a smirk.

"Diana Fancies Sirius, does she?" Alice said, her smirk replaced by a frown.

"She did, but now she doesn't" Lily said.

"And you didn't tell me? And it's clear that she still Fancies Sirius, but how come no one said a thing?" Alice said looking at Lily.

"Only a few people knew about it Al, and as I said ever since Marlene and Sirius were together-, wait- scratch that ever since Diana knew that Marlene fancies Sirius she started to forget her feelings" Lily explained in a hushed tone.

"Is she hurt?" Alice asked.

"At first she was, but now, I don't know" Lily said, and Alice nodded.

As they walked to their next class with Marlene they were talking about everything, and they asked Marlene if she and Sirius did the deed, and to their surprise they did.

"McKinnon, when did you started fancying our dear Sirius" James asked once they were at lunch.

"Just this year" She replied.

"Are you aware that Sirius' fan club will run after you if they get the news that you're together?" James continued.

"Yes I'm aware, don't worry Potter" Marlene said.

"Alright then", James said turning to look at Lily, "Do you want to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend Evans?" He asked in the same tone.

"No Potter" She said waiting for Diana and Sirius to burst to the door, so that James wouldn't bother her anymore.

As They were eating, Lily excused herself, and gestured for Remus to follow her out, when they were out of earshot, Lily finally told Remus where they were going.

When they reached the library they were greeted by Madame Pince, the two smiled before going to the very far corner, ones they spotted the two, they sat at one of the tables not to far from them.

The two smiled at eachother Diana was smacking Sirius with a book, and she was giving him an earful.

They were near enough to catch the words:

"Sirius fucking-"

"Marlene? Yes I do Fuck Marlene"

"Sirius Orion Black" She said hitting him more.

"Ok, I get it Faye" Sirius said and surrendered.

The two of them went started on their essays, but they were still looking at the two.

"If Diana told Sirius about her feelings they could be together, even If I'm against it, I'd be happy seeing the two of them happy" Remus said, and Lily looked at him quizzically.

"What do you mean earlier?" Lily asked curiously.

"Well Pads liked her at third year, but I told him he doesn't stand a chance, and now I'm finding out that my sister likes him ever since third year" Remus said sheepishly, and Lily started hitting him.

"You- arse" Lily said hitting him with a book.

"I know what I did Lily, and I regret it" He said with a sigh.

"But in the same time I do understand you, I mean it is Sirius we're talking about", Lily said understanding why Remus is over protective with Diana..

The two of them were just talking, and observing the two, they saw how close they can get when it's just the two of them, when their the only one talking with each other.

Sirius would make a unnecessary joke and Diana would counter it with a sarcastic reply.

"They're close aren't they?" Lily said, "And she just sees him as an acquaintance" She continued.

"That's because Sirius never talked to her, ones he was a heartthrob" Remus said, with a snicker, and Lily chuckled at him.

"That makes sense on why Diana would rather go on a date with Sev" Lily said this time Remus gave him a curious look.

"At the ball every seventh year has, the year end ball, she said if no one would take her, she said she has two options, one go solo, and two go with Sev" Lily said, "But she also said she'd rather go with you" Lily continued.

"How long have you been there?", Sirius said looking at the two of them Diana followed his gaze and saw the two.

"You know you can join us, I'll be needing help, he's quite a handful you know" Diana said.

"Hey!" Sirius said looking at her with a 'hurtful' look.

Remus and Lily looked at eachother and went to their table.

'If I didn't stop Sirius back then maybe they're already together? They act like an old married couple' Remus thought to himself, and the three of them started to teach Sirius.

'Maybe this isn't bad, but my feelings are' Sirius thought looking at Diana who was smiling, a smile that he missed, since he was being distant this past few years.



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