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"Have you heard?" Scorpius said as he went to the kitchen the whole room looked at him curiously.

A lot have happened, The Weasley's, and Hermione was staying at Grimmuald place, They've also treated Draco as a friend, and Order Meetings were held there from time to time, and It wasn't left unnoticed by the twins that something happened to Remus and Athena ones more.

"What is it?" Sirius asked his son, Scorpius gave him the daily prophet.

Sirius read it, and gave it to Remus, after that the daily prophet was passed around the room.

As Sirius was about to speak Dumbledore appeared, Molly ushered the kids out of the kitchen.

"We'll need to get Harry" Dumbledore said.

"Alastor will be here in a few with a Kingsley, and a young Auror" Dumbledore said.

"Who's the Auror Sir?" Arthur asked.

"Nymphadora Tonks" He said, and Remus choked on his coffee.

"Our Niece?" The two Black asked and Dumbledore nodded, the two looked at Remus and gave him a curious look.

"Sorry if I'm late Professor" Athena said as she sat down at the table.

"It's white alright Ms. Bell, we haven't started yet" Dumbledore said with a smile.

"We're still waiting for a few more members" Dumbledore said.

Remus looked at Athena and Sirius caught this, Sirius looked at Regulus and nudged him, and pointed at the two, Regulus understood and looked at Athena.

"Tell us what happened" Regulus said, Remus looked at them and waited for her to speak, Athena sighed and looked at the two.

"Codes" She said, and Sirius groaned.

"All right give me a parchment, I haven't done this for a while" Sirius said, and Athena cracked a smile.

"Tell now" Regulus said, "You don't need a parchment I'll tell you" He continued and Sirius looked at them.

"I still admire works that's often noticed; knowing Sirius a new desire rarely emits, midgets unlike Scorp" She said, and started to think of certain words for the next line.

Remus looked at them quizzically he didn't understand anything that Athena said, it didn't make any sense.

"Wait" Regulus said as he took a parchment.

He wrote down the words and nodded.

'I Still Admire Works That's Often Unnoticed, Knowing Sirius A New Desire Rarely Emits, Midgets Unlike Scorp' He showed the writing to Sirius, and started to break it down to pieces.

'I saw Tonks, and Remus' The First letter of each word gave them a sentence.

"When and where?" Sirius asked curiously, Athena was about to speak, but Kingsley appeared with Mad-eye and Tonks.

"Let us start" Dumbledore said, Tonks looked at Athena and smiled, the girl returned it, but not as wide as her usual smile, Remus knows he has to explain, they were getting somewhere, and he blew his chance.


Diana Lupin was exhausted, They had more to do, and she couldn't wait to get back to Britain.

As she was preparing for dinner, someone knocked on her door, she opened it and saw Athena.

"What are you doing here?" She asked the girl as she let her in.

"I saw- I saw something", She said stammering at her words, Diana looked at her curiously, and gestured for her to continue.

"I wanted to visit Remus at your flat, since he told me he gets pretty lonely, so I did, when I- I'm sorry" Athena said as she broke down.

"It's fine" Dian said comforting her.

"This is the second time" She said in between sobs.

"I-I just don't know what to do" She said stuttering.

"You'll be fine, now I know there's an Order Meeting tonight, and I know you need to go" Diana said encouraging the girl, Athena smiled and nodded.

"Thank you Ann" She said with a smile.

"Now go" Diana said and the girl left.

She knows about the meeting last night, and she knows what happened to Harry, but now she can't pin point why Remus would see Tonks, when it was clear that he likes Athena.

She wanted to ask Remus, but she remembered it'll be better to do it in the flesh, and she knows they'll be back at Britain next week, for now she needs to call down.


Filler Chapter :')

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