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After breakfast Archer washed the dishes, and Sirius went to Scorpius' room.

He went inside without knocking, and sat at a chair he looked around the room, and saw the old shelves stacked with books, books that are from his Son.

He stood up from the chair and examined the books, he chuckled lightly, as he saw that most of it are Mystery books.

"Shakespeare's proud"

He remembered, when he saw a book, he laughed lightly ones more at the thought.

'So it was a muggle book' He thought to himself as he looked at the other books.

It was half past twelve when he heard Scorpius yawn, then he looked at the boy

"Good afternoon Scorp, how are you?" He asked as the boy sat down.

"I'm fine" Scorpius coldly said, the boy stretched a bit, and took his bag from under the bed, and took something from it.

"You need to get out of this room wether you like it or not" Sirius said, and Scorpius nodded.

"Give me a minute I'll be down" Scorpius said.

Sirius waited for Scorpius to be out of the door, ones Scorpius was out, he wasn't wearing a shirt.

"You are indeed my son" Sirius said and Scorpius chuckled.

"I've been told" He said and the two of them went down the stairs talking to eachother, as time passes, Sirius was getting the boys trust, and they were close.

"He's writing again" Regulus said pointing at Archer.

"Oh he's writing to Dear Carina" Scorpius said sarcastically as Archer wrote the letter with a smile.

"How are you even sure?" Archer asked as he put the parchment aside.

"Well for starters that envelope is green, and looking at the handwriting Carina owns that, may I remind you that I'm a Slytherin" Scorpius said and Archer scoffed.

"How are you sure my Dear Brother? I'll never be inclined with any other Slytherin than you, Draco, Uncle Regulus, and Athena, so I must believe that you're bluffing" He said crossing his arms.

Sirius watched them amused, and Regulus laughed at how amused his brother is.

"I think you love her" Scorpius said, "And that you're secretly dating" He continued, and Archer's eyes widen.

"I'll never fall for a Slytherin" Archer said defensively.

"Well let's see you think that you can be discreet, but no my Dear Brother" Scorpius said as he took the green envelope, he opened it and looked at the signature.

"I'll never fall for a Slytherin my Arse" Scorpius said as he sat at the table.

"So when were you going to tell me about this?" Scorpius asked, Archer rolled his eyes before he threw a shirt at his brother.

"Wear a bloody shirt and maybe I'll tell you" Archer said and Scorpius wore the shirt that his brother gave.

"But I'm amused how you didn't have an disparity with her" Regulus said joining the conversation.

"Some" Archer said.

"The nickname Sherlock suites you more this time, she'll come and go" Scorpius said, and Archer smacked him behind the head.

"What's wrong with you, of course she'll be your Adler, I know you like her because aside from me, she can outsmart you", Scorpius said, and Archer smiled like an idiot.

"You see Father your eldest son is in love" Scorpius said, and Sirius chuckled.

"Do you really fight like this?" Sirius asked amused with the two.

"Yes, I have much more witty comebacks than Scorp, it's just not working" Archer said.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night" Scorpius said as he smirked at his brother more.

"There's other meanings of Sherlock may I remind" Remus said entering the room.

"Like what Uncle Rem?" Scorpius said, Remus chuckled and looked at him sternly.

"You know very well what I mean Scorpius" Remus said.

"Nice to see you old friend" Sirius said as he hugged Remus.

"Nice to see you as well" Remus said with a smile.

"I know the other meaning of my name, don't worry, and I know I've been acting one" Archer said with a huff.

"Here Uncle Rem, I know you came for it" Archer said as he gave Remus the vial that contains Wolfsbane.

"The whole pack" Remus said and Archer ran to his room to get it.

"I hate wearing a shirt at home at times" Scorpius said as he took his shirt off.

"I see your abs are still growing" Regulus said, and Scorpius chuckled.

"I heard you don't play quidditch, how do you maintain that?" Sirius said.

"I really don't know" He said sarcastically, Remus smacked him behind the head, and just in time for Archer to flick his forehead.

"What's the matter with the two of you?" Scorpius said as he rubbed his forehead.

"I haven't complimented on how shrewdly you were acting earlier, I hope you were amused, and satisfied with your work" Archer said.

"So you're saying that you're together?" Scorpius pushed more.

"I'd like to put it as a fling", He said and Scorpius nodded at him.

"Buy you still can't hide the fact that you Fancy Hermione" Archer said a smirk playing on his lips.

"Looks like Archer's back on track" Regulus said, and Remus chuckled.

"I won't deny that I do fancy her, she's a good friend, but we have an enormous disparity when it comes to our disbeliefs I'm afraid that if we ever do get together we'll kill eachother, but I do hope you and Downey will figure out your love for eachother, don't be a sectarian" Scorpius said.

"And I really thought you were back on track, any come backs?", Regulus asked, Sirius wanted to speak, but stopped himself.

"Can I have a little help, this isn't a mystery and surely he'll think of another comeback better than mine" Archer said with a groan.

"I'll do the talking you can help me if you want" Sirius said and Archer smirked.

"Splendid" Archer said, the two looked at eachother and smirked.

Scorpius rolled his eyes, but smirked as well.

Regulus and Remus looked at eachother and smiled, the three resembled one another just by smirking, and maybe one day, they can be a happy family, alongside with Diana, if the girl ever forgives Sirius.



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