Chapter 28

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I stand in the hallway in utter shock. They couldn't possibly be talking about me.

"She is such a burden now." Steph whispers, as I feel my stomach clench.

"So irritating, especially in prison, she's an asshole." I heard Luke say, as I felt stabbed in my chest.

"I know right. She doesn't go with any of our plans now. She thinks just because we all got out of prison, that she can act like the nicest person ever." Steph snorts and I start to breathe heavily, gaining a large headache.

"We need to get rid of her." Luke whispers.

"True. We should just kick her out, move her onto the streets. Hopefully she will be found and brought back to prison, where her sorry ass belongs." Steph says, and I can almost hear her roll her eyes. My head is pounding and I feel sick. I feel as if my stomach has been punched for years and that I have a bruise inside my stomach now.

"Sorry..." I whisper, even though I know they can't hear me. I know what I did was wrong, but I did it for the best purpose. They talked more amongst themselves and then I realized I say sorry too much. Soon enough, I told myself I have heard enough. I sighed and walked into the bathroom to rid my sudden depression. I started the shower and began to cry. "This is not your fault. Stop crying." I told myself, as the water washed away tear after tear. "Just leave. It's okay." I said. "It's not your fault, just leave." I repeated as I finished my shower. I quickly dried my hair and threw on the shirt Luke lets me use, and the orange pants I've had since prison.

"Hey." Michael said as he walked out of his room and into the living room, where I followed him. Just pretend I didn't hear anything. Just pretend.

"Morning." Luke said, as he eyes Steph. I smiled and made myself something to eat. "Can I talk to you?" He asked me. Then, my heart began to thud again.

"Kay." Was all I could manage. I followed him into the hallway and he cleared his throat.

"You aren't on the wanted pictures anymore." Was all he said before I gasped.


anyways, why do you think alyssa is not on the pictures anymore?

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