30- Game!

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He looked at Y/n with no emotion but a faint smirk, it made her shiver. He turned around and his hair fell as he looked down on Amina.

Before he could mutter a spell Amina got up and pushed past him, going for Y/n. Y/n took several steps back then stopped, ready for Amina to come but she didn't reach Y/n in time to hit her because Draco grabbed her shirt.

Amina struggled as Draco gripped her school cloak tighter. He roughly moved her back to her spot on the floor.

"Now where were we?" He pointed his wand to her.

"What are you going to do to me?" Amina demanded.

Draco simply shrugged. He didn't even utter a word for his spell, but it had been casted. Suddenly Amina had walked out without a word, looking down to the floor.

Draco looked at Y/n who looked at him questioningly. "Obliviated." He said. She nodded.

"At least you didn't injur her." Y/n muttered.

"Oh Y/n, I love how you think so highly of me." He gave her a small smile. She simply narrowed her eyes at him.

"Great, I'm with someone crazy." She turned and walked out, with him following behind her.

"Not crazy." He shrugged. She ignored him. He stopped her and looked at her with slightly widened eyes.

"Right?" He asked jokingly.

"Does it matter that much?"She heard him laugh.

"No, it shouldn't."

"But you tell people that you're going to push them down the stairs all the time." She chuckled.

"-You pushed me down the stairs." He raised an eyebrow.

"Once. And you were the first person I ever did it to. And you deserved it." Y/n rolled her eyes.

Draco patted her shoulder and they continued walking. "Good job on pushing me though, otherwise I wouldn't have ever felt the feeling of sleeping on top of you." He winked and moved out the way as she tried to whack him.

"You really are a piece of work." She rolled her eyes. "I know for a fact the next time you get hurt I won't be there for you." She looked away proudly.

"We'll see about that." He smirked. "Wish me luck, then." He told her as he messed her hair up on the top of her head. He walked away with his hands in his pockets and turned the corner. Y/n was still processing what he just said.

"Wait!-" But Draco had already left. "Wish you luck on what?" She muttered to herself. She shrugged it off and walked away to see her friends in the Great Hall for Lunch.

"Excited?" Pansy asked as Y/n sat down.

"For what?" Y/n asked, immediately putting food on her plate.

"Quidditch Match later today!" Daphne exclaimed happily.

Oh, that's what Draco was referring to.

"Oh! Well, you guys have fun." Y/n shrugged and started eating.

Pansy laughed. "You're talking like you're not going."

"I'm not going." Y/n confirmed.

"Why?!" Daphne demanded with bulging eyes.

"Well.. I'd rather study."

"No! You're going." Daphne told her, more like reassuring herself that her friend was indeed going. Whatever! Y/n would study later.

Later that day; Ravenclaw VS. Slytherin

Y/n did not know how suddenly the day went from bright, shiny, and loveable, to gloomy, wet, and sad. The rain had just stopped but it was sprinkling a little. Nothing no one couldn't handle.

Everyone took their seats in the stands and waited for the teams to emerge.

"Right! Got it?" Theo wanted to confirm.

"Yes, we went over the plan everyday since last week." Blaise nodded. Draco nodded in confirmation.

"And Ladies and Gentlemen! The Quidditch Match will now start!" The crowd cheered loudly. The boys smiled at each other and the rest of the Slytherin Team came over, waiting to be called out.

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