3- Food Fights & Vomit

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Y/n grasped the toilet seat for her life as she vomited all the food she had today. Even if all the food was now gone, she now vomited up literally nothing. She couldn't stop.

"Just a bit more, I promise." Pansy whispered, grimacing slightly. Daphne was just outside the stall looking at herself in the mirror. Pansy had just wanted to drop kick her. She stared daggers at Daphne's back while rubbing Y/n's back soothingly. She turned back to Y/n as she stopped vomiting and was breathing loudly.

"It's.. I'm..- done." Y/n struggled, spitting out her spit from the vomit.

"Come on." Pansy helped Y/n up. She stood up straight and suddenly felt okay again.

"I guess I had to stand up straight." Y/n mumbled, making her way to the mirror.

"You look hot." Daphne said.

"Yeah, so hot for someone who had their face up against the toilet seat. Ew." Y/n grimaced, putting her fingers in her hair. "I need a shower. Thank you Pans." Y/n smiled and Pansy smiled back.

She made her way out, towards the Hufflepuff Common Room.


"You're m-" He couldn't finish his sentence as he vomited again. He breathed heavily.

"You're mad!" He struggled to say.

"It's easy, just close to your mouth and hold it in." Blaise shrugged.

"He is mad." Theo rolled his eyes at Blaise. "I can't wait when you start vomiting." He leaned against the door frame while Blaise leaned back on the sink.

"I won't. I'm just built different." Blaise shrugged with a smirk. Theo looked at him unimpressed.

"Anyway." Theo rolled his eyes. "Nearly there Dray, you got it." He patted him on the back and helped him up. Draco rested his forehead on Theo's shoulder.

"What the hell is this rubbish?" Draco asked Theo quietly.

"Life, amica." Theo replied, rubbing his back.

"Okay," Draco muttered to himself as he stood up straight. "Get out everyone, I'm taking a shower." He sighed and they nodded getting out.

Towards Dinner:

"Are you sure you're good to go?" Daphne asked again.

"Yes! I'm sure! I'm starving." Y/n whined and walked passed her into the great hall. The three girls sat at a random table and started eating. Y/n smiled happily as she continued eating.

"Watch out Y/l/n, your food flew all the way to here!" Draco snickered from down the table.

Y/n sighed and sat up. She narrowed her eyes at him. "I'll show you how food flies." She muttered.

Draco smiled. "What was that Y/l/n? I can't hear you! Must be the Hufflepuff in you." He laughed. She got up and grabbed her bread, throwing it at him.

"Woah!" Blaise said as he moved out the way from the bread.

Draco immediately got up and grabbed his food, throwing it at her. It splattered all over her shirt. She showed a face of disgust. Draco snickered.

She grabbed her whole plate, with her fork still on there and completely threw it all to him. The plate shattered in front of him and food splattered on Theo.

Theo shrieked and got up, getting his food and throwing it at her.

"What is the meaning of this?" McGonagall bellowed, but it was too late as now the three boys and three girls had now engaged in his fight. They grabbed food from other peoples plates, which made the other people around them join in and throw food at everyone. Theo, Blaise and Draco were mainly targeting the girls and the girls targeted them back. It was a good fight in everyone's eyes but the 6 students were all throwing plates and utensils at each other.

Pansy held a glass cup, throwing it at Theo.

He caught the glass cup in his hand which made the girls stop throwing for a second, amazed at how he caught it. But they shouldn't have stopped as the boys started throwing things harder at them.

"Ow!" Y/n said as she felt pieces of glass come into contact with her.

"Just when I think you couldn't stoop any lower!" She narrowed her eyes at Malfoy and got up over the table to his side of the table, closer to him so she could throw better. He backed away still throwing things, when she saw that he was now getting out his wand. She raised her eyebrows and got out her wand too. They pointed it at each other and were watching each of their moves carefully, as they slowly circled around.

"Wuss." Y/n told him.

"If anything, you're the wuss- STUPEFY!" He said hurriedly.

"PROTEGO!" She said just in time. She smirked at him. "That sure was weak." She smiled. He narrowed his eyes at her. He was about to utter a jinx when suddenly ropes tied around them, and they collapsed to the floor.

"Nice one Malfoy, your jinx tied you up too." She rolled her eyes.

"That wasn't me, stupid." He spat. McGonagall suddenly came into view. She had now gotten the whole hall to stop and looked down on them with food splattered in her clothes.

"Get up this instant, to my office!" She ordered angrily. They nodded and got up, walking behind her. The other teachers dealt with the other students while she lead the two to her office. When they entered their ropes disappeared and they sat down.

McGonagall sighed tiredly and sat down in her chair. "You're going to tell me, what the bloody heck that was out there." She said surprisingly calm.

"Nothing to it. Y/l/n eats like a pig, her food landed all the way at the end of my table, so I threw food back at her." He lied.

"You're terrible at lying. what other things can you do badly? There's just too many to count now." Y/n raised her eyebrow at him slightly.

"You shouldn't-"

"-Enough." McGonagall closed her eyes trying to calm down.

"Detention for the next 5 weeks, every Saturday and Sunday." McGonagall ordered. They stayed silent with their heads down. "We don't waste food here and for that you shall receive a punishment. I expect you both to show up in the detention classroom, and if not, your punishment will be doubled."

"Is that clear?" She said.

"Yes, Headmistress." Y/n replied quietly.

"Yes miss." Draco replied, wanting to get it over with.

"Off you go." McGonagall told them and they immediately got up and left. She sighed and looked out her window.

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