12- Explaining

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They walked outside to the courtyard and walked slowly beside each other. He took out his lighter but she quickly snatched it and put it away in her shirt, in a place he wouldn't dare reach. He narrowed his eyes at her angrily and rolled them, looking away.

"You think that this whole thing is completely based on magic." She started.

"It is." He interrupted.

"Sure, but it doesn't influence the person. It does make them fall in love overtime, you're soulmates after all," she rambled as she looked at the grass they walked on. "but it's not some "oh you're supposed to love me and do these things for me" no way. That's not what love is." She shook her head.

He rolled his eyes. "But if you don't make it work then how is the soulmate thing going to kick in if you are not willing to cooperate? Do you understand?" She asked.

"Sure, whatever." He stopped them and stood in front of her with his hand out. "Give it back now love, and I'll be on my way." He smiled sarcastically and she gave him an unimpressed look.

"No. Smoking is bad for you. I'm helping you." She smiled back sarcastically. He rolled his eyes and shoved his hand in front of her face further so she could give it back to him. She whacked it away.

"No smoking." She warned and turned around. He spoke from behind her.

"You can't influence my life whatsoever." He said. She smiled and turned around.

"I can. I'll always have something over you." She shrugged and turned again ready to walk. He clenched his hand in a fist.

He then calmed down and caught up to her, turning her around by her shoulder.

"You were crying earlier." He stated. She looked blankly at him.

"So?" She asked.

"I'll always influence you and your feelings. I'm the one with the power." He cupped the side of her face and she had wanted to step back but couldn't find the urge to.

"I wasn't crying over you." She lied, rolling her eyes.

He raised an eyebrow.

"You'd never understand." She looked up at him and shook her head.

He smiled, clearly amused. "Help me understand." He offered.

"No. I think we're done." She smiled faintly and looked down. He brought her head up.

He gave her an evil smile; though she could not tell it was at the time.

"No, you've interested me." He told her. She looked at him blankly, trying to process his words.

"What does that mean?" She asked.

"Means that I want to get to know you." His hand moved from her face to rest on her shoulder, pulling her in closer.

"What even changed your mind?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm here to prove you wrong, that this will end badly. Badly for you, and you'll regret it." He gave a small nod, a faint evilness in his eyes.

"And if it doesn't?" She tilted her head.

"Oh Y/n," He smiled, muttering a quick spell to bring the lighter to his hand. "it will." He took a step back and kissed the lighter. He walked away.

He turned around again, to find a fuming woman. "Dance with me later?" He smirked and turned around, back to the party. She groaned and stomped her foot lightly, turning the opposite way to go clear her head.


Y/n finally entered after 10 minutes and saw everyone was still having the time of their lives. She shrugged and went in the middle of the crowd, to dance.

She couldn't find her friends and probably thought they were having their own fun, with their soulmates or something. Not like she had one.

But she was quickly reminded who her soulmate was when she felt an arm come around her. She stopped and turned around. She looked him up and down.

"Judgy." He told her into her ear.

"You would be used to it, wouldn't you?" She started dancing slightly.

"Ouch." He chuckled.

He closed the gap between them and they danced together. She was nervous and he was too. But if someone told her that he was nervous she would never believe them.

"Tell me things about you." He tried.

She moved her head back from his body so she could see him.

"Well.. I'm Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n. No siblings, although I've always longed for a brother. I can never have one anymore, so now I'd love a son. I think it would be the closest to a brother." She shrugged. "I'm a Wizard, love magic. I'm just.. me." She shrugged again. She really didn't know what to say. She liked rambling but she'd think he'd get bored.

He nodded. They'd stopped dancing. "Draco Lucius Malfoy, no siblings. Do not wish for one." He eyed her playfully and she rolled her eyes with a smile. "Wizard too, obviously." He chuckled.

"Bad with feelings, I guess my friends would call me shy. I agree." He shrugged. She raised an eyebrow.

"Shy?" She laughed.

"What can I say?" He smiled and she looked away.

"Oi, if you're not gonna dance, then get off." Someone said from behind Draco. He furrowed his eyebrows while he looked at Y/n and turned around. The boy obviously didn't know that was Draco Malfoy.

"Shut up before I bang your head in." Draco yelled over the music. "And believe me, it's easy." He rolled his eyes and turned back to Y/n who had her eyes raised a little.

"Yes, very shy." She chuckled and he laughed.

"At least look at me instead of the slut!" He continued saying. Draco's eyes furrowed again and he turned.

"Can you stop interrupting us? Trying to prove someone wrong here!" He referred to Y/n who rolled her eyes, crossing her arms.

The boy stayed silent just glaring. "Peasant." Draco muttered and turned away, grabbing Y/n's hand and waking out calmly. She laughed.

"Come back and fight!" He had said but Draco didn't.

She held his hand tightly.

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