8- Soulmate Mark

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The three girls went to class and manoeuvred around the big crowds of students to their charms class.

Pansy sat down and sighed, putting her hair behind her ears, getting ready to open her book for another long lesson. But she really loved learning new things about magic. It was just so interesting to her-

"Ms Parkinson!" Their charms professor exclaimed excitedly. Pansy jumped and looked up, her friends looked up too.

"A congratulations are in order." He smiled.

"For what, sir? Did I get top marks in the test?" She smiled.

"No.. you still failed." He shrugged.


"I was saying, that you finally got your soulmate mark!" He smiled happily.

Her eyebrows furrowed and she stood up abruptly, having the whole class now looking at this interaction.

"Where?!" She demanded, pulling up her sleeves and looking at her legs.

She looked down at Y/n and her eyes widened.

"What? What is it!" She pleaded.

"It's.. on your face." Y/n spoke slowly.

"Woah let me see!" Daphne asked, spinning Pansy around. "Wow that's wicked." She continued. Pansy had her mouth open trying to form words.

"Excuse me sir." She said rather calmly and went out the class.

It was silent until a scream could be heard outside.

"Um.. if you'll excuse us." Y/n said. The teacher nodded and they left.

Pansy was outside pacing with clenched fists.

They arrived to her and she clutched Daphne's collar.

"Give me a mirror!" She shook her back and forth.

"I don't have one! Let's just go to the bathroom!" She yelled and she stopped, calming down. Daphne tried to fix her now crinkled shirt but failed.

Pansy turned and went to the bathroom, her friends behind her. She took a deep breath and slowly went in front of the mirror with her head down, her fingers delicately touching the sink she was looking at. Her friends were on the side seeing the sight.

She finally looked up and looked all over her face when she finally saw the glint of gold. It was a golden rose just on her temple. It wasn't big and wasn't in the way. It looked beautiful. She loved it. Her eyes teared up a bit as her fingertips slowly went to touch it.

"It's so beautiful! I love it!" Pansy smiled and hugged both her friends.

Y/n and Daphne gave each other a small smile.

Later that day in the afternoon:

Y/n kept touching it, trying to maybe see if it was fake, but it was not. It was there to stay.

A crescent moon on the left side of her neck, shining bright in the sun.

Every time she touched it she could see her soulmate but she couldn't see his face. She just saw from the neck down. She kept seeing flashes of him but didn't know who he was.

She sighed and went down to lunch.

"Dear Merlin!" Daphne exclaimed, pulling Y/n'a collar down. "It looks stunning!" She said. Y/n sighed.

"I like it, but I'm just scared for my Soulmate is all." Y/n said. Pansy nodded.

"I don't think anyone in the school's my soulmate." Pansy said as they collected their food and went to go sit outside.

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