28- Silence Before the Storm

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He started kissing her neck and her hand went into his hair.

His hands pinned her wrists behind her on the wall and it made her drop her potato stick. She groaned in sadness and he only chuckled, licking her neck then biting it softly.

No one even noticed them. Was this a normal thing to happen in the nights of Hogsmeade?

She was snapped out of it when he stopped and held her hand, walking her behind a corner of an alley. She was again leaned up against the wall and she looked up at him. He leaned in and tried to kiss her, but her head moved to the side quickly. His grip slightly tightened on her wrists.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"We should get back." She tried to free herself but couldn't. She still remained calm and looked at him.

"Stay with me then?"

"No." She answered. He smiled faintly one of his hands let go of her wrist, holding the bottom of her jaw tightly.

He didn't answer. He only looked at her and stepped back.

"I'll do whatever it takes for you to trust me."

"What would you do?" She asked quietly.

He scoffed lightly. "Anything."

She shook her head.

"You can't tell me that you didn't enjoy being with me, in my bed, kissing me and going out with me."

"I did enjoy it." She smiled a little. They only stared for a few moments before she walked away to get her broom. She wanted to get out of here.

He groaned and walked after her. "I thought you wanted this whole soulmate thing to work?" He stopped behind her, whining quietly while she tried looking for their brooms.

She didn't answer him. He mumbled something to the floor. She turned around and groaned in annoyance.

"I do!" She told him angrily and turned around again to start looking for their brooms.

"Then what's wrong?"

She turned around again. "I can't just trust you. You always make me feel stupid, because who would ever be worthy enough to be with Draco Malfoy, right?" She yelled quietly, turning away again.

She couldn't find their brooms.

"I—I don't make you feel stupid." He stuttered disbelievingly.

"You do, and you did the first time, and you still do!" She stomped her foot and turned around.

"I can't find your stupid brooms!"

"How do I make you feel stupid?" He ignored her and continued on with her last point.

She scoffed and pointed to her neck. "I'm branded with this for the rest of my life and yeah, I guess I'm stupid for believing Draco Malfoy would understand!" 

"I do understand! I have the same thing too. You think I wanted this to happen?" He pointed to the left side of his neck as he took a step towards her.

She pushed past him. "You think everything's a game, and that you wanna have fun, and hurt me too," She turned around to him. "and you want to use me for your own pleasure on top of that. That's not what I wanted!" She pointed her herself.

"What do you want then? He asked.

"To actually end up with somebody who wants me just as much as I do." She spat. "Someone who is at least close to normal." She looked him up and down and he did it back. He frowned, anger evident in his eyes.

He walked towards her and she couldn't react quickly enough. "Get away from me!" She whisper shouted. He didn't listen.

He grabbed her jaw with his hand and the other held the back of her head. She tried to look away but he brought her head back.

"You know, maybe I'm not sane, and maybe I'm far from normal, but I am willing to really try." She scoffed when he said he was willing. He gripped onto her jaw a bit tighter.

"Yeah? What's your definition of willing?" She asked.

"Guess you'll find out soon enough since we're stuck together forever right?" All of a sudden it turned black and everything disappeared and materialised into her room. He let go of her almost roughly, turning and walking away. She furrowed her eyebrows angrily at him and stomped after him.

"Get out now." She told him.

He muttered something but she didn't hear. He went to the door and was about to open it when- "And no one is to leave!" McGonagall was heard from downstairs. Draco stepped away from the door. He guessed she caught everyone in the Slytherin Common Room partying.

He turned around with a cold look. "Guess I'm staying." He whispered. He walked passed her and took off his shirt, then went to her bed.

"On the floor, Malfoy." She told him sternly.

"No, I don't think I want to. I'm entitled to, remember?" He put her covers of him. She groaned and went to get changed. She changed and went back. His eyes were open and he looked at the ceiling. She got in beside him but there was still space between them.

He turned on his side to look at her. She closed her eyes and forced herself to sleep, and it happened.

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