9- Making Him Notice

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Y/n stared at her ceiling. It was time to go to classes again, it was the next day, the morning.

She decided that she had to accept it. But she wasn't going to go to him, he was going to come to her.

And for that to happen, she would have to flaunt her mark.

She put her hair up in a high pony tail. She smiled in the mirror at herself and went off to grab a small breakfast, then off to class.

She didn't have class with her friends but she knew Draco was in her class, and he sat a few seats to her left. Perfect. He'd have to see it some point during class.

She entered and sat down.

"Why so happy?" Lavender nudged her and winked, looking at Y/n's neck.

"No reason." Y/n smiled widely and looked away. Here she was giggling like a school girl. But she didn't find herself complaining.

"Now now, settle down. Let's get started on a quick quiz." Their professor smiled at his class. Y/n sat up straight, ready to answer.

But every time she answered, every time she got an answer right, every time she stood up to write something on the board, she would look back, and he was never looking at her.

He never had a look of surprise and he didn't care. He was just scribbling down answers and doing his work. She never wanted someone to stop doing their work as much as she did now. She slumped in her chair next to Lavender.

She was going to have to try harder.

In the great hall she tried it, in the courtyard she tried it, at dinner she tried to make him notice.

He never did.

Why was she trying so hard for Malfoy? But.. he was her soulmate. And they kissed.. he even kissed her. Didn't that mean something? He slept in the same bed as her too. Maybe it meant something for her but was normal for him?

The next day in class she put her hair in a bun. She did the same thing again, and as the rest of the week stopped to Friday, she was exhausted and embarrassed.

It was now Saturday and she was walking around the halls. Later on she had to go to Hogsmeade.

She was just roaming the halls. A good amount of people were there. She turned a corner and this corridor was empty. She shivered at the coldness and walked slowly, dragging her fingers across the wall slowly.

She saw someone at the end of the hall, leaning on the wall. They were reading a book, and their bag was filled with books on the floor beside them.

She gained her courage and went up to him, licking her lips quickly. She pocketed her hands and she wore a calm expression, almost an emotionless one.

He furrowed his eyebrows slightly then looked down at her, his expression turning into a curious one. He looked at her blankly, tapping his finger quietly at the top of the page of his book. She blinked slowly.

She put it simply. "We're soulmates."

He snapped his book closed with one hand. He was still slouching against the wall.

"One kiss and they think they're destined to be with one another." He shook his head slowly. She furrowed her eyebrows.

"No.. I mean we actually are." She wore a slightly confused look. She removed her hair from her neck, but he still didn't bother looking at it, he just kept looking at her, amused.

"What do you want me to do about it?" He scoffed, and she immediately had her eyes widened in slight confusion.

He shoved his hand in his pocket, the other putting the book in his bag.

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