32- Infirmary

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He pulled the covers from over his face and saw the lights were dimming. He heard Y/n snoring lightly. He sighed. She probably couldn't breath through her nose with all those bandages.

His injuries weren't as bad as hers. All he had to do was take a few potions and he'd be good as new. He went to the pantry and lazily grabbed three potions, drinking them all in one go.

That was stupid of him, really. But he'd survive. He made it back and sat in the seat Daphne had sat in, beside Y/n's bed. She had now turned towards him.

He started taking off his bandages and he felt just like before. He quickly summoned a mirror with his wand. His jaw looked bruised, and his nose had a cut. He shrugged and put it back. He looked okay.

He rested his foot on the edge of her bed and looked at her. He waited for her to wake up and she did, an hour later.

He noticed that she was in the bed he was in before, where she had pushed him down the stairs.

Her eyes opened and she looked at him. He looked back into her eyes and they didn't exchange any words. He looked worried for her. They just looked at each other for a long time.

Draco smirked and bent down a bit, to get the bandages he had placed beside his chair, ready to use.

"Let me change your bandages, Y/n." He offered with a small smirk. She stayed still. "We wouldn't want it to get infected now, would we?"

She sat up and clutched her head. She stood up and he turned her around, they faced each other. He slowly touched her face, careful not to hurt her. He undid them carefully. He took a shaky sigh when all the bandages were off.

"It's horrible, isn't it?" She looked away. He turned her face back to him with two fingers.

"No, it's all my fault you're this way. I provoked the other team's captain, and they hurt you." He caressed her cheek to her jawline slowly.

"I heard you got affected too." She said. He nodded.

"But mine was not as bad as yours."

She looked to the side, away from him.

"I don't think you need any more bandages. You only have bruising and no bleeding. I think you'll be right." He led her to her bed and sat her down. He went to wash up and he came back. She was now laying down on her bed and he smiled to himself as he looked at her from across the room.

She was so beautiful, and ethereal, and charming. He liked her. He almost jogged towards her. He invited himself to sit next to her.

She rolled her eyes but she expected it.

"How've you been lately?" Draco asked. They both looked ahead as they sat up with their backs against her head board.

"I'll be alright. What about you?" She asked.

"I think I'll be alright once I punch the Ravenclaw Captain." He smiled and nodded to himself.

She scoffed softly. "You know it doesn't always have to be solved in violence, right?"

He turned to her. "Look at you. They solved their problem in violence, in hurting others. Why can't I?"

She turned to him and held his hands.

"Because it's wrong." She whispered breathlessly. "You can't do it all the time. Sometimes you have to be the bigger person."

He held her hands tightly. He put his lips firmly together.

"And you also have to be the bigger person with your words. Why would you go and make a problem with the Ravenclaw Captain?" She tilted her head slightly.

"He's a jerk. He's always been a jerk. He thinks he knows everything and thinks every girl likes him." He was vague in his answer.

She waited for him to continue. He sighed.

"He said he could be with you and I said I already was. He then told me that I was lying, and that if you looked any different I would leave you." Draco rolled his eyes and scoffed. "What a guy." He shook his head.

"So that's why I'm in unimaginable pain." Y/n looked disappointed.

"Don't give me that look." He told her.

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