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" Are you sure you don't want to join our family, Aizawa-Chan? I swear it's going to be fun! We can hunt people for their blood!"

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" Are you sure you don't want to join our family, Aizawa-Chan? I swear it's going to be fun! We can hunt people for their blood!"

We are now lying on the bed comfortably, staring up at the white, bland. The ceiling as we talked about random things that popped into our minds. I sighed, flipping to a side, facing Toga as she examined her nails. Resting my cheeks on the palms of my hand, I watched her scavenge through multiple drawers.

"I'm pretty sure I had repeated myself more than enough to tell you that I think I'm fine with the rest of my populated family. I don't think my dad would be appreciated if I joined your side just for the fun of it."

"Oh right! Your dad's Eraserhead, right?"


" Is he home often? He must be busy, being a pro-hero, you know. He does spend time with you. Oh! What do you guys do during your father-daughter bonding times? I don't really know myself, so I want to hear your experience."

I raised a brow at Toga's words. She perked up and jumped onto her feet in excitement. In her hands, there was a red, dusty, really dusty box. It looked like it had collected lots of dust over the years. She skipped towards me, smiling in happiness. I was about to ask her something but she pushed the box to me, so I could answer my questions by myself.

I reached over, grabbing the velvet box that rests in the bedsheet. Placing it on the palms of my hand. The edges of the box were damaged, the surface was scraped, but overall everything was still intact. I smiled and unlatched the box. Resting onto the soft fabric, there laid a bracelet. It looked brand new. I blinked, making sure I wasn't dreaming.

"Don't worry, Aizawa-Chan. I didn't steal this. I brought this a while ago. I didn't put it to use. So I just shoved it into the back of my drawer to keep it safe. I just thought you would want it since we're friends after all. Look, I even have a matching pair."

I almost teared up because this was so wholesome. True to her words. She showed me the receipt for the silver bracelet. She also dug into her pockets, pulling up a box similar to the one I had in my hands. I smiled and ruffled her hair. She giggled and plopped herself onto the bed. She looked so carefree. This was probably the first time in a while since she had a peaceful talk with a girl.

"Toga. Do you miss your past life? The life before you became a villain. The life where you didn't have to kill people for a living. I won't say that you had a great life back then, but I'm pretty sure you enjoyed it to some point."

This made Toga's gears turn. I watched as she looked like she was deep in thought. I closed the box. It clipped shut as I stuffed it into my pockets. I jumped as the door slammed open with a thud, scaring the shit out of me. But Toga, on the other hand, looked like this was a usual thing. She dismissed my questions and skipped toward the man that stood in the doorway. The scarred man grumbled when he saw me in the room.

"Hello, Dabi! Are we finally going on a mission? Oh! Do we have to go to UA again?!"

"No. [Y/N]'s friend is here. It looks like he's trying to sacrifice himself if he keeps it up. I have no idea how he even found the base."

My ears perked up when the scarred man mentioned my friend. I tried to contain my excitement and worry as I locked eyes with Dabi. Toga ran up to me, holding tight onto my hand. She began to drag me out of the room. I smirked as I purposely bumped Dabi's shoulder against mine. He sneered and followed us from behind.

During our walk downstairs, I kept wonder who the male was that came to get me. What I know for sure was that this was one of the ideas Katsuki had constructed. He seemingly didn't even get permission. I mean, he is a tenacious man, after all. Toga grinned cheekily. As we entered the living quarters. But I could recognize the flash of pain in her eyes. She was not ready to let me go yet. I squeezed her hand, her attention turning back to me. I beamed at her as I patted her head.

"Oh God! [Y/N], you're okay. You don't know how much me and Bakubro-" He spotted himself and glanced around the room that was filled with villains. " I mean. I'm so ready to become a villain. I want to defeat the good guys! Yeah!"

I wanted to hit my head against the wall so badly. As I listened to Kirishima's horrible acting performance. To my left, I could see Dabi was amused at Kirishima making a fool of himself. Toga at least tried to keep in her giggles, but Twice flat out started a laughing fit. Shigaraki, who was sitting on the stool, was not interested at all. He whispered something to the mist guy, who nodded his head, agreeing on the idea his boss had bestowed.

Kirishima flinched as Dabi strolled up after him. I could see that he was equipped for a fight just by his stance. I mentally facepalmed myself. He couldn't make this more oblivious. The sound of chains flew into my ear. Instantly, I thought back to the first two days I had been chained to the wall. I ducked behind Toga naturally. Toga patted my head, reassuring me as she watched the uproar in front of her. Her actions went unattended to the others in the league, but Kirishima spotted it in the corner of his eyes. He mouthed something around the lines, 'We're coming to save you.

"Shut up. Stop giving her false hope. I don't even know why you here in the first place. You're literally turning yourself into a group of

killing machines. What makes you think that we're not going to kill you now?"

Kirishima said nothing as the gears shifted in his mind, racking for an answer. He clearly hasn't bought this through. Dabi grinned and looked up to Shigaraki for an unnecessary confirmation. He then dragged Kirishima into an undiscovered hallway. I kept the eye on the two figures as they vanished into the dark hallway.

What's Katsuki's plan, Kirishima?

"Aizawa-Chan, are you scared? You ducked behind me when Dabi took out the handcuffs."

I cleared my throat and stood up, fixing my posture and straightening my back. Rising up tall, I towered over her. I was five inches taller than her. She pouted as she compared our heights. Craning her neck, she glanced up at me. Pushing my shoulders down so I could be the same height as her. I chuckled as I continued to tease her.

"No. It's just that Dabi's resting bitch face really scared the shit out of me. I could mistake him as a troll. That dude would be the leader of an ancient group of smurf. Actually, a smurf is better looking than him."

Toga giggled. As she hauled me towards the corridors, where Dabi had token Kirishima. I glanced down at the giggling girl, wanting to question her where she was taking me. She smiled at me with happiness. I decided not to question her further and let her take her lead. We ran down the halls, passing some dirty cages. It kind of looks like a dungeon, where you kept prisons. We stopped in front of a cell, I looked into it, sitting there was my spiky-haired friend. When he had spotted me, he ran off the bed, reaching out of the cell. He grabbed onto my shirt, making sure I was actually in front of him.


I placed a finger onto his lips, silencing him. He nodded and back off, releasing the Hey of my shirt in the process. Toga glance between us and sighed. I flinched as she placed a hand on my shoulder, on her tippy-toe, she placed a small kiss on my cheeks. I glanced at her small figure in confusion as she waved at me.

"I'll see you soon [Y/N]! Remember me!"

I watched dumbfounded as she grabbed onto Dabi's arms, pulling him out of the dim hallway. He also glanced at Toga in confusion as he got dragged away from his victims. Glancing back at Kirishima, he was also frozen in confusion, before snapping out of it. He walked up to me with a worried expression.

"Are you okay? Hey didn't hurt you did they? You look skinnier, did they starve you to death. Wait! You not dead yet. Your okay right?"

I chuckled and placed my hand on top of Kirishima's head, " Yeah, I'm okay Kiri." Glancing in both directions to make sure we were in the clear. I turned to him.

"Now tell me the plan."

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