chapter 1

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Warning the first ten chapters are boring so if you want to skip you may. Its basically the introduction of the character's and if you decide to skip message me and I'll summarize the first ten chapters for you then you can start reading from chapter 10 or 11. If u have any questions in further chapters don't be a afraid to ask.

Xenia POV

"Mom no please stop." My tears are running down my face like a wild river,you could say my face is a water fall. "Mom you're hurting him" I shout at her. I try to pull her away from my brother but she pushed me way harshly and I hit my head on the coffee table and let me tell you I feel like I was just shot. " mom " my voice Croak's from the crying and screaming but she does not listen.

"Nia Nia Nia, wake up, wake up." I feel someone shaking me. " Nia wake up." I jolt up breathing heavily and I feel myself start to cry. Xander pulls me into his chest as I start to break down. "Shh baby girl shh it was just a nightmare. It was just a nightmare." But that is the problem it was not just a nightmare it was a memory. I held Xander extremely tight afraid that he will go away. I don't know how long we have been sitting in this position but I'm glad he didn't leave me. I started feeling sleeply and darkness soon consumed me.


"Nia wake up" Xander says while opening the curtines and I hiss at the brightness and cover my eyes. "Nia you have to wake up we leave in 2 hours" Xander leaves my room after giving me a kiss on my forehead.

"ughhhhhhh" I grabbed the blanket and went back to sleep. I'm tired and I'm not an early bird so he will just have to be strong.

"Nia if you are going back to sleep I will come with a bucket of cold water and pour it on you" he shouts from down stairs.

"You wouldn't dare" I shout back. He would be foolish to do so.

"Try me" oh shit I quickly jump out the bed and head to the shower. Whenever Xander says I must try him, he takes it ass a challenge to do what he said he would. I got ready and went down stairs after getting ready and making my bed.

"Why do we have to go so early?" I ask Xander. "Have you seen the time" I look at the time on the microwave and it's 10:30 am. That is still way too early in my offense.

"Come eat we leave in 1 hour 30 minutes" Xander says while checking his watch. As you can see he is very organized, he wants everything done on time. "Thanks for the wonderful breakfast Xan." I say after licking my fingers.

"pleasure. Come on you are way to slow we have to be at the airport in less than an hour" I roll my eyes at him. "Fine" I grab my hand bag and we head for the car.

It has been just the two of us ever since the accident. Xander is practically my only family left. He has been my savor and my rock for years now.

We are at the airport boarding the plane. Xander put away our small bags and came to sit next to me. "Hey you okay." I looked and Xander and nodded and gave him a smile. I buckled up my seat belt and the plane started to speed of and lifted off to the sky. I looked over my window "good bye Arizona." I say to myself.

We are leaving Arizona to start afresh somewhere else. We always leave once people find out about my past, but I doubt they will this time since we are practically moving from one country to another. I hope this is the last time we move because I'm tired.

I let my head rest on the seat and I decided to sleep but sleep was not coming so I just sat there looking at the clouds while listening to music.


"Hey Xan wake up, we are here" Xander wakes up and checks his watch. It was dark right now. Xander unbuckled his seat belt and went to take down our bags. "Let's go" he says. I follow behind him and we board off the plane " hello New jersey" I say Happily.

I hope that this will be far away enough. People have always found out about my past and they started feeling sorry for me, which I don't like. I couldn't walk down the street without hearing someone say "poor child" and I hated it. I hate being felt sorry for.

Xander and I got in a cab and went to car dealers so we can buy a car. We Bought an affordable car and drove to our new house. "A penny for your thoughts" Xander says while driving.

"Are you just saying that or are you going to give me a penny" I said. "Its just a saying you know" he said and I just nodded my head. "Come on Nia stop being so quiet, you are killing me" he says. "So not talking kills you," I replied. "You know what I mean. I'm not used to you being so quiet"

"I just don't feel like talking" I said and turned up the radio to kill the silence. I'm tired of moving, I'm tired of changing schools and I'm sick and tired of people not minding their own business.

Can you believe I have never dated anyone. I also want to find the love of my life and I also want feel what love feels like.

I just hope he won't judge me because of my past.

Hey guys
This is my first book and we will just see where we end up. English is not my mother tongue so if you see any errors please don't be afraid to correct them.

I know this chapter was short but continue reading and you will see drama and longer chapters.


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