-light and dark

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𝓢irius had returned to Regulus' home, vowing to stay as long as Elora needed, and trying to see his brother as something more than the evil he had become

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𝓢irius had returned to Regulus' home, vowing to stay as long as Elora needed, and trying to see his brother as something more than the evil he had become.

"I know you might not see it possible" Began Regulus, looking over to his older brother who sat in silence. "But you are my friend" He added, looking away from him and facing the fire, his hands in his lap and his shoulder hunched forward.

"We all have both light and dark inside of us, what matters is which part you choose to act on" Replied Sirius, sitting back and sighing as Regulus remained silent.

"And what if you have no choice?" Asked the young boy, turning his head to face his brother.

"You always have a choice, brother" Said Sirius, pushing onto his feet and walking over to the glass bottle of bourbon.

"Is it true you will spend the rest of your life hating me?" Regulus asked, watching as the brunette poured himself another glass. "I cannot hate you, no amount of your own despair will ever cause me to hate you, brother, but your actions from now on will shape which side I choose, and that side will always be with the marauders"

Regulus' lips pressed into a thin line as he held his hand out to grab the bottle Sirius had placed back down on the table in front of them. "And if I am willing to fight, you will accept your death?" He questioned, pouring it into the glass.

"I have always accepted my death, but Elora is another story-"

As if on queue the blonde walked into the living room, her hands wrapped around her stomach and a shed of tear spread across her whitened features. "I think somethings wrong" Said the girl, lifting up the bottom of her top to reveal a perfectly flattened stomach.

"You haven't grown an inch" Said Sirius, watching her face drop even more at his words. "Should we call Molly?" Asked Regulus, reaching for the phone as his brother walked towards him and removed it from his hands.

"I will, I doubt she will want to speak to you" Said the boy, dialing in the number and waiting for her to answer.

"What if something is wrong, what if the baby is-" Elora panicked, sitting beside Regulus who placed his palm against her coldened cheek. "It wont be, everything will be okay, Molly will come over and you'll be perfectly fine" He promised, placing his lips against her forehead as she cowered into him and awaited a response.

"She's on her way" Said Sirius, placing the phone down and walking towards the armchair.

"Mother and Father, do they still see me as dead?" Regulus asked as the other waited for Molly to appear. "They don't see you as dead, in their eyes you are dead" Sirius spat, not wanting to start the conversation of his family here and now.

"Should I tell them, the truth I mean?" He asked, looking towards the blonde who silently shrugged and placed her gaze on the older boy instead. "Im sure they will be more than happy to know the truth, but don't act like your death was a turning point for them" He replied.

𝗮𝗺𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗮, regulus black (book one)Where stories live. Discover now