li.the third tournament

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₊˚ˑ༄ؘCHAPTER FIFTYthe maze ✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩

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the maze *ੈ

𝓣he third task began, each player placing themselves at either side of the maze. The task was simple, find the cup and you've won, or so they thought.

Elora was late to this tournament, throwing Regulus slightly off guard. Despite his ways, he performed best when he knew Elora was watching, it gave him a reason to try. But now she wasn't here, she wasn't really interested in his performance, of course this was only what he thought.

The moment the horn was called and the contestants entered the maze, Elora appeared next to James. "You're late for watching your boyfriend win" Winked James, stretching his arms out and sitting back.

"I'm still anxious" She whispered, placing her face against her knees and waiting of what was to come.


Regulus ran into the maze, his wand in his hand and his legs taking him every which way. He saw Fynn appear from one of the corners, his legs suddenly being pulled towards the ground by vines which rose from the ground. "Help" His voice was weak and withering, he was going to lose.

Regulus appeared next to him, watching him sink further and further into the ground and be pulled into the vines. "Devils Snare—You know you're not supposed to struggle but I guess it's too late for that" Regulus grinned, picking up his face and running away from him.

He turned another sharp corner, He watched the hedge pull Carson in, her screams slowly becoming silent. He was the last contestant left. He was going to win the tournament and get Elora back, he was going to matter to something.

He turned a sharp left, dodging the mazes grip on him and then...he saw the cup.

It was bright blue and each spec made it difficult for him to see, but there it was, the answer to everything. He lunged forward, reaching for it just as Fynn appeared out of no where and did the same. Both of their hands collided with the cup in sync and then suddenly everything went black.


The boys appeared beside a grave yard, the cup fell against the ground, its colour slowly dying against the darkness the atmosphere held. "I was looking forward to seeing you again" Spoke Tom, casting Regulus up against one of the statues in which his body was locked in its grip.

"And who is this?" He asked, a number of death eaters appearing behind him with masks and black cloaks on. Tom rose an eyebrow, looking over to Fynn who's palms and forehead were beginning to sweat. It was clear he was terrified, the constant rise of his chest and shake of his hands. But Regulus wasn't,  he had been waiting for Tom, and now he had him.

"Avada Kadabra!" Screamed Tom, waving his wand as a green light shot from it and into the dirty blondes heart. His body stiffened, his face losing every inch of live in him. His skin paled almost immediantly, both of his orbs wide open but greyed. And then he fell against the damp grass, his hair sprawled over his face and his mouth slightly open.

Regulus didn't want to admit it, but part of him was relieved, despite the other part which feared the same might be done to him. He wasn't scared of dying, he was scared of leaving Elora in the dark with no sense of reason or closure as to whether he still loves her or not.

"Now—Its time for you" Smiled Tom, walking towards the boy and raising his wand. He scraped the wand against the boys cheek, forming a cut down the side of his face. "It's a shame that won't scar, but your death will" Spoke the boy, stepping back and raising his wand.

"You haven't heard have you?" Regulus laughed, looking away and forcing a tear from each of his eyes. "Heard what?" The boy snapped, lowering his wand and searching the boys expression.

"She's dead—She's fucking dead and it's all your fault" Regulus screamed, trying to kick his way from the statue as he cried more.

"No, she can't be—I would've heard" Tom stuttered, looking towards the ground and trying to figure the whole thing out.

"Its your fault!" Regulus screamed at the top of his lungs, tears rolling from his cheeks now and against the statues arms.

Tom looked towards the other death eaters, waving his wand and turning into black smoke as the others did the same.

The statue released his grip and the boy fell against the grass, wiping the tears from his face. He knew the lie would fool Tom, despite how highly he thought of himself he knew that deep down Tom was just as shallow and smitten as the rest of them.

He stumbled over to Fynn, reaching for the cup and grabbing the boys hand and then the cup.


The two vanished in the middle of the stadium, cheers applauding them before horror shook each of them. "Is that—" Elora whispered, standing on her tip toes and glaring down at the boys dead body.

"He's dead, Tom Riddle killed him" Regulus spoke, looking over to Dumbledore who ran quickly over. "Is it true" He whispered down to the boy who lowered his head.

"The cup had been turned into a key portal, we appeared in a grave yard and he killed him, he tried to kill me too but I used the one thing that weakens him" The boy replied, looking up and linking his eyes on Elora.

The boys from Dumstrang ran over, they were screaming and crying, some threatening to even hurt Regulus but the boy was remorseful, he didn't care.

He suddenly felt two arms grip around him, holding him closer than before. "I'm so glad you're okay" Elora whispered, her arms wrapping tighter but he didn't return the gesture.

"I'm fine" He responded, pushing her away and walking towards the exit. "Where are you going" The blonde called out, the pain was clear in her voice but the boy didn't look back, he didn't want to, and just like that she was once again left in the dark.

𝗮𝗺𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗮, regulus black (book one)Where stories live. Discover now