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Please don't hate me! School has been crazy and my fiancé has been working out of state a bunch so I'm trying to spend time with him when I can. I'll try to be better about updating! Promise! And that video is coming. I just wanted to give people a couple more days to ask their questions.

I followed Liam inside the house, but he didn't seem happy I was there. I could feel his tension and I knew I caused it, however, he hadn't changed one bit. He still didn't see anything wrong with what happened to me and that bothered me deeply. He wasn't remorseful in any way. How was I supposed to dedicate my life to someone that saw nothing wrong with horrible things happening to me? He didn't even believe me when I told him what happened with the doctor. I knew he thought I was crazy, but if I kept harping on it he really wouldn't listen. I didn't want to step on eggshells my whole life with him. I loved Liam. I really did, but I couldn't live like that. I couldn't degrade myself and be treated that way by the man that's supposed to love me. He's supposed to protect me. I understood that he wanted proof, but I wanted him to believe me, not just ship me off to another kingdom while he figured this out on his own.

"I don't want to go to Eric's kingdom," I said.

I saw the way his back tensed at my refusal. I would have been stupid to miss it, but I wasn't going to lie to him and let him think I was okay with this.

"You said you wanted to go."

"That was before."

"Anna, you're making my life very difficult."

I scowled at him. "Sorry."

"Why don't you want to go," he asked as if he was talking to a child.

"Because I think I should stay here until this clears up."


"Why not?" I asked.

"If there are people here trying to kill you, then this is the worst place you could be."

"But you're here."

"I can't be with you all the time and I can't have bodies piling up when someone attacks you."

I had to wonder if he even knew how much it killed me to have him think that way about me. I didn't want him to think I was some cold blooded killer. I only drank enough blood to survive and nothing more. I wouldn't kill someone unless I absolutely had to and even then it weighed on me heavily.


"I didn't mean it that way," he tried, exasperated.

"Yes you did. It's fine. I'll go."

He sighed. "Fine. I'll arrange a flight."

I nodded and crossed my arms. "I know you think I'm insane, Liam. You don't respect me as a person and I don't think you ever will. I can't be with you."

"What the hell do you want from me, Anna," he exploded.

He had never yelled at me like that before. I was caught completely off guard by his outburst, but tried to keep my composure.

"I want you to realize that I'm useful, too. I'm not just something that you bought and can move around when I'm not convenient for you."

"That's what you think this is? You really are fucking crazy if you think that."

"Then maybe I am! Maybe I have officially lost it!"

"Clearly. Fine. If you don't want to be with me I'm not going to force it."


He turned and made his way upstairs. I stood, shell shocked, but otherwise unaffected by our short lived relationship. I couldn't believe I had wanted him for so long, only to end it like that. I knew being with him would have its difficulties, but I never would have guessed the repercussions would be almost dying. I was scared. He had to know that. If he didn't, then it was clear he knew me even less than I thought.

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