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Don't be angry :)

This is the last chapter of this book. I felt like it was starting to stretch a bit for one book so I am breaking it into two. I should have the first chapter up by Wednesday at the latest. I know this seems abrupt, but hey, I'm the writer so deal with it ;)

Another week, then two, and three.

A damn month and no sign of Azrael.

No progress with the council.

No progress with the auction houses.

I hadn't seen Bridget though Liam assured me she was safe with Richard and Donny in America, but I missed her.

Liam and Pierce usually left me alone. I knew they were still incredibly busy; their duties didn't pause just because the council wanted me dead, but I was starting to feel useless. I never did anything except play with Zeus and walk around the property. Liam held true to his promise and we still went to church every Sunday, but our conversations were short. He was preoccupied and I was angry. I wasn't angry with him though. I was angry with Azrael.

I couldn't understand why Azrael hadn't come back and why he hadn't even tried to contact me. Had he used me? Was everything he told me a lie? Or was he in trouble? If he was in trouble I would feel like the biggest jerk on the planet.

I pulled my dress over my head and looked at myself in the mirror. Satisfied with my appearance, I left the bedroom and walked down the hall.


I jumped at the sound of his voice. My attention shot to that damn archangel standing just a few feet from me. His eyes held the same stoicism; it was like he didn't take my virginity and run for the hills hours later.

"Where were you," I demanded.

"Things took a little longer than I expected."

I stared at him in disbelief. "That's your excuse? That's it?"

"What else would you like me to say?"

"You were gone for a month! I thought something happened to you!"

"I'm fine."

"So, you just slept with me and took off for a month without so much as a heads up?"

"I apologize. I didn't mean to worry you."

"The fact that you don't see the issue here is . . . I can't believe you."

I brushed passed him and threw myself down on the couch.

"You're upset," he said as he stood in front of me.

I rolled my eyes. "What gave you that idea?"

"Anna, there's something we should talk about."

"What is it?"

I felt panic rush through me at his words. That was never a good sentence and he knew it. Judging by the look on his face, nothing good was going to come out of his mouth.

"We have an issue."

"Of course. Because nothing could just be easy, right?"

"Seems to be the way things work for us."

"So what is it?"

"This is what you can expect from a relationship with me. I want you to understand that."

"What happened to wanting to be with me?"

"I think it is important for you to understand that there will be times I say a week and it ends up being a month or more."

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