The Alliance (Prologue)

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The Alliance

"Forgive me Father for I have sinned."

My eyes were red and swollen from the dirt and tears from my earlier job. I don't know why every time after my job was finished, I felt the need to come to confession. I'm not even sure I was a true believer of God, especially after all that I've witnessed. Somehow I seemed to be comforted in knowing  that I've repented for the sins that  stack up against me.

"Trinity, you're back once again." Father Oliver's voice was hoarse and drained after a long day of mass. It was nearly eleven thirty at night when I walked in.

Using the back door, avoiding to draw suspicion to me.My pants were filthy and ripped, my hands stained by the blood of the innocent lives I've taken tonight along with allthe monsters.

"I've made another kill, this one wasn't intentional but he wouldn't stop his god damn screaming." My admission of guilt in a place as righteous as this, made me feel shamed.

I tried dearly not to kill innocents but if it made my job harder some times I would have no other choice. A necessary evil. When vampires had their pets ,they quickly became a nuisance to us. Jumping at their every command in hopes they'll someday be changed. Pathetic. Almost justfies murder?

"Killing those without souls will not take it's toll, but the ones that do will weigh heavily on yours." Father Oliver preached sympathetical.

I rolled my eyes rather dramatically. Father Oliver was seriously helpful and great to talk to but he had too much faith in humanity. If he only saw the sights I have he'd surely change his mind, on the otherhand we needed hope. Humanity needed it.

"I know Father, sometimes I wonder what's the point in all of this? It feels like I've ran out of reasons to fight for. Anyone that's ever mattered to me is dead. Maybe I'm better off dead as well." I wasn't sure I fully meant my admission, if we were fucked- may as well give us a fighting chance.

Father Oliver lit several white candles, the light exposed his brilliantly sculpted face, and in that black clerical clothing it made him look almost angelic. He was only a few years older, I recently turned twenty and he was definitely in his early twenties. It made me wonder how he truly ended up here- in the safe house. As a man of God, no less.

He reached out and touched my hand not even slightly bothered by it being covered in blood. "You're not better off dead, we need you if we want to win this war."

I smiled graciously, if anyone kept my faith in tact than it was Oliver. " You think we could actually win this war?"

"I think the possibilities are endless."

"I think that you think too much." I scrunched my nose towards him teasingly.

"Tis better to have too many thoughts as opposed to none at all." Oliver beared a grin returning the same scrunched up face.

"Touche." I laughed, I wasn't sure if that meant he actually had faith in us or if he thought highly of his God and miracles.

 I bent down to pick up my leather backpack slugging it over my left shoulder and walked out of confession and headed towards the meeting that would soon decide our fate.

"Fuck." I cursed under my breath. Such a sad reality.

Vampires and werewolves, unfortunately they exist. Humans just co-exist in the same world. Some of us know about them, some of us have witnessed or been hurt by them and many of those stand by the Alliance- my home and cause. Others seem to turn a blind eye and go on completely oblivious to what's happening to our world. For many years we have hunted our predators, the greatest among them being vampires. They fed from us, used us for pets and out of casual boredom- kill us. Werewolves used to be harmless and feed only from the necessary animals to survive- well until now anyways. Recently they've been seeking out humans with "special abilities" to turn them for reasons that are currently unknown. Now, all I know is we may be forced to join our deadliest predators to eliminate a bigger threat to mankind. Assuming we don't get killed in the process.

My name is Trinity Sage and I'm a hunter.

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