Chapter Two-teen

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The two best friends entered the café. Jun looked for a table for them while Wonwoo ordered the food. A few moments later, Wonwoo came with the food. The two settled down and started to dig in. Until Jun started to ask his friend.

"So, you disappeared for the whole two weeks. Where have you been?"

Wonwoo ignored the question as he continued eating. He didn't even look up. He knew that he would get attacked by the latter if he answered that. Jun huffed, offended by his friend's silence.

"Don't you ignore me?!"

"I don't want to disturb your quality time with your boyfriend. Whatever it was." Wonwoo replied.

"What did you do during the break?" Jun asked again.

"You will make fun of me."

"No, I'm not. Well, yes but you know what I mean." Jun rolled his eyes. Since when did Wonwoo become secretive with him?

"I stayed at Mingyu's house." Wonwoo said quietly.

"What?!" Jun widened his eyes. Wonwoo jumped a bit at Jun's sudden loud voice.

"So, you two are a thing now?"

"No. He suggested that I follow him home since I didn't go anywhere. We also went to my home after that." Wonwoo defended himself.

Jun leaned back as he silently judged his best friend. Why are both of you so stubborn? Jun thought. They spent the mid-semester break together. Jun then smirked smugly.

"How many times did you guys fuck?"

Wonwoo choked on his noodle when Jun asked the question. Jun grinned as he watched Wonwoo struggle to take a sip of his drinks. Wonwoo's face turned red. One because of the choking. Two because of the flashback of all the sex he had with Mingyu literally everywhere for the past two weeks. Wonwoo shot the dagger with his eyes at Jun and left. Suddenly, he lost his appetite.

"Don't you run away from me! Tell me everything!" Jun chased after his friend.


Wonwoo just finished his class that afternoon. He walked past the soccer field as he stopped. The soccer team was having training. Wonwoo remembered the time when he would go to Pledis University just to watch Seungcheol practice. He would wait for the latter to finish his training then they would go on a little date together. Wonwoo let out a sigh. What a memory to remember. He looked at all the players on the field. His eyes widened when it landed on one particular person.


The boy was running around, sweating all over. Mingyu ran his fingers through his hair to prevent it from sticking to his forehead. Wonwoo didn't know why but Mingyu looked so hot doing that. Suddenly, Mingyu saw the boy from afar. He then smirked and winked at Wonwoo. The latter blushed and walked away. Mingyu chuckled as he continued the training.


The weekend had arrived and Mingyu was at Wonwoo's place. He was cooking something for them. Wonwoo entered the kitchen and sat at the table, looking at the latter from behind.

"Mingyu." Wonwoo called the boy. He hummed as the reply.

"I never knew you played soccer."

"Oh I played when I was in high school but then I quit."

"Why?" Wonwoo asked.

Mingyu stopped for a bit as he remembered the real reason why he quit playing soccer. He didn't want to look at the past anymore.

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