Chapter 28

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After we got back to HQ, stokes and miss Hastings headed back out to round up our classmates, who knew who was safe anymore. We were told to stay out and wait in the training center for Caesar who wanted to hear what had happened. He came quickly looking flustered and escorted us three to his office making sure to close the door behind him. He took his usual seat behind his desk and Bridget, Rick and I settled in on the other side. By the set of his jaw and the angle of his shoulders, that and from experience, I knew Caesar was getting ready to give us a lecture. But I didn't feel like being lectured. So before he could say a word I spoke up.

 "What is going on Caesar?" he didn't answer for a long time and I wondered if he was going to lie to us. Although I guess he decided otherwise because what he said next sounded true.

 "Jessica we honestly do not know. But we are working on it. Your safety is of major concern to us."

 I believed that, we were their future after all, "What about those guys we just ran into? Did you pick any of them up?" again I saw a flicker of confliction cross Caesars face.

 "We dispatched a clean up crew immediately but the men were all gone by the time they reached the area." I knew getting five of them would be too good to be true.

 "So what now?" I asked the question on all of our minds. Rick and Bridget remained silent, content to let me handle the confrontation.

 Caesar sighed this time before he answered, he seemed tired, like this was something he did not want to deal with. Just by his reaction I could guess what he was going to say nonetheless I didn't interrupt him, "Now we think it is best if you three take a step back. And I mean it Jessica. We want you three especially to remain in HQ at all times. No exceptions. There will be no more free days for you or special outings until further notice. This is for your own safety." he explained. However that didn't make it Any better.

 I was angry. How could they do this? Especially since they knew I could handle myself perfectly well. They couldn't take my privileges away. This was more like a punishment than an safety precaution. But a punishment for what?

 "But Caesar-" Bridget touched my arm and I realized I was in the proceeds of getting up. She wasn't the only one that cut me off.

 "This decision is final Jessica and no matter how much you disagree or fight about it nothing is going to change that. So I suggest you get yourself together and carry on as usual until we figure out what exactly is going on here." Caesar had never been that stern with me and maybe that's what made me shut up. That or maybe the realization that excepting defeat was the only way to make them think I was complying to their restrictions.

 "You may go now, but remember the decision is final." he reminded.

 "Okay Caesar." I said and got up. Rick and Bridget followed. Caesar looked surprised that I'd given up so easily as well as a little suspicious. He had good reason. 

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