Chapter 34

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the mall was easy to find. all we had to do was follow the noises of cars and civiliztion was soon to follow. i figured we were in a small borough in queens most likely by the looks of it and evem though i suspected it was only around ten in the morning the mall parking lot was packed. i guess on a regular saturday without a mode of transport teenagers tended to flock to malls and not to manhattan. i couldnt imagine how boring and ordinary normal peoples lives were. i figure i would not like it one bit, then again i had never experienced normal life so who was i to judge it.

once we were in the parking lot i noticed that there was a sign that had a map of the mall and all the stores inside. to raise the least suspision and also to not get as noticed, since we were in our pajamas still (rick in a faded blue tshirt and boxers and me in plaid shorts and a tank top) we would need to choose an entrance into the mall that led almost directly to a clothes store. people tended to notice teenagers walking arund in pjs so once i spotted the ideal entrance we headed in that direction quickly.

"so what do we do first?" rick asked as we entered the mall. most people were to busy looking at other things to notice the two of us but i saw a few people glance our way and give us weird looks.

"well first we need to get some clothes and some shoes." i pointed to a nearby american eagle discreetly, "we are going to go in there. make sure the store clerks dont see you. first just walk around for a few seconds then slip on some pants okay. and make sure to take off the tags." he grinned.

"so we are stealing stuff?" i nodded, "sweet this is my area of expertise. just sit back and watch jessie. we are so going to win this thing." i had my doubts about ricks ability to steal things larger than what could fit in his pockets but when we made it out of the store completely unnoticed and fully clothed my thoughts immediately turned positive, in fact he had even caught me before i walked out if the store with a stray tag which would have set off the alarms and been disastorous.

"How come you are so good at this?" i asked him as we started t make our way to another store to look for supplies.

"I told you before. the orphanage really sucked and i had to provide fr myself a lot. most of the time not completely legally." i smiled. i knew what he meant. the time id spent on the streets when i was seven had consisted of a lot of theft as well. mostly from peoples wallets.

rick had the list of items we needed to aquire and so i took it from him and quickly scanned/memorized it. it was an easy list and it took us only ten minutes at most to get it all. in the meanttime we had met up with a few of our friends but had to pretend not to know them, not even giving them a second glance.

we had only one more item on our list and we were headed in the direction to get it when i saw a familiar face in the crowd of people. the face wasnt familiar because they were from HQ but rather somewhere else. at that moment though i couldnt remember just where until the person had spotted me and started to make his way over to rick and i.

"hey madison. remember me? Dillion? from the subway?" of course thats where i recognized him from and as i looked at who was with him i realized it was the same guys that had been with him the day on the subway when i had been making my way to get rick. i also remembered that this dillion guy liked to talk, only i remebered this too late and there was no time to turn qnd pretend i hadnt seen him. rick looked at me questioningly albeit amused. he had no clue who this guy was but since he used one of my alias' he knew he was just a regular old civilian. and i didnt have time to talk at that moment.

"i didnt know you lived in this part of the city. i figured you for more of a manhattan girl." he continued to talk and i smiled politely all the while thinking of ways to get rid of him. out of the corner of my eye i say hattie pass and she looked confused. then the perfect idea came to me. i knew exactly how to get rid of him although i admit i really didnt like my plan.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2016 ⏰

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