Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

                Rick showed up late for dinner, however, he didn't avoid me like I'd thought he would, instead he took a seat across from me beside Bridget and didn't say a word about what had happened in class.

                When he sat down Bridget looked at me silently urging me to apologize, but I frowned at her and shook my head. I wasn't a kid who apologized for hurting someone's feelings. There was no way in hell I was apologizing to Rick and both Bridget and I knew it. Besides, it was him who should have apologized.

                He silently pulled out a book that he'd been given in one of our classes and started to read. It looked like he was pretty far into it but he couldn't have started it too long ago. The silence soon became more than a little awkward so I turned my attention down the table where Hattie, the twins and the rest of the gang were talking strategy for Friday, obviously pretending that Carter wasn't there and hadn't switched sides for the first time, and that just because he was on a different team didn't mean he would tell Audrey and the others our plans, he's way too nice for that.

                Although I wasn't really paying attention to them, I was waiting for Rick to say something. I think maybe I was subconsciously worried he'd explode at me again and I hated to admit it but I felt bad. Though as I'd said before, I was not going to apologize.

                "So Rick, how did your like first full day?" Bridget asked breaking the silence between the three of us. I felt majorly grateful for her doing this. Rick didn't answer right away because he was probably finishing his sentence or something but after a moment he looked up at us smiling.

                "It was good. I could have done without the ass kicking, but I guess I've got to get used to it." I felt relieved when he smiled at me; there was a lot of meaning behind that smile. It said he wanted to just forget about it and I was happy to do just that. As long as I didn't have to apologize everything was great. I returned his smile.

                "It's not like you don't need it Ricky." I told him and he laughed. He then went on to explain pretty much everything that happened that afternoon to Bridget who listened intently. I just zoned out. It may be very repetitive by now but it is insane how much Rick has to catch up on.

                So instead of listening, since I already knew everything about his day due to the fact that I was present for every single second of it, I started a mental checklist: he had to learn the basics of pretty much everything, especially the physical stuff, I really needed to whip him into shape, he also had a lot of new things to learn and lots of skills to develop, like languages. He needed to learn at least four more languages which wouldn't be easy. I realized then that I had completely forgotten about language studies!

                "Hey Rick, do you know another languages besides English?" I asked praying that by chance he would know several of the basic ones at least even though I highly doubted he did. This meant more work for me.

                "Yeah I know Spanish and French." he replied pausing his conversation with Bridget.

                "Really?" this was actually good news.

                "Oui." he said smartly.

                "Still you'll need more than that." I countered.

                "I could teach him!" Bridget piped in excitedly. Anything that has to do with learning and sharing her knowledge excites her, it's kind of scary really. And Bridget knows everything; her language bank is even larger than mine, she can speak fourteen different languages including the hard ones like Chinese, "I can make flash cards and stuff! It'll be so much fun! Please can I Jess?" she gushed. It's just like my best friend to get all ecstatic over flash cards. I didn't object to her offer, the less work for me the better especially if it meant less time hanging around Rick. Plus it's true that Bridget would do a better job at teaching him than I would. If he couldn't conjugate verbs properly I'd probably throttle him.

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