Chapter twenty three

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******Hey readers!! I know i have neglected updating for a while now but im going to update all i have now. But as a warning before you proceed, in my haste to make sure i get you guys some chapters i havent proofread these next parts as much as i would like to, but i will put them up anyway and then edit and reupload at a later date. This is my holiday gift to you all. So happy reading and enjoy!! :D also thanks for all the comments and encouragement as of late, its motivated me to finally get these chapters up here even if they are kind of crappy in their current condition... :P******

 If Rick was right and this car was following us, and the people inside wanted to (actually I'm not sure what they wanted) do something with us, than we really needed to get back to HQ before they had a chance to do it.

 I poked my head around the corner of the building so I could get a good look at the road, I felt Rick do the same and I shoved him back. He huffed indignantly but it would be safer if only one of us looked. The coast was clear but there was no telling how long that would be for.

 "C'mon Rick lets go." I whispered urgently and we quickly left the cover of the shadows offered by the building. However we stood a better chance trying to move than we did staying in one place. We jogged, keeping close to the buildings in hopes that their shadows would conceal us. Rick fortunately did not speak while we jogged or else I'm afraid I would have ditched him.

 Just as it seemed that Rick would be wrong the car tore around a corner almost directly in front of us. The tires squealed as the driver righted the car and directed it straight at us. The car was black with heavily tinted windows so it was impossible to see in, I'm not a car buff but I'm pretty sure it was a crown victoria and that would have made me laugh if it hadn't started to drive towards us at full speed.

 "Turn around!" I yelled at Rick. He listened and we both whirled around in the direction we had come, which only further increased the distance between us and HQ but also between us and the steadily approaching car. I had to find a way to get around the car and get going in the right direction again. I saw our opportunity a few feet ahead and grabbed Rick by the arm and basically launched him into the alley between two big buildings. The car was to big to fit and raced right past us. It would be back though and we both knew it. I ran in the direction of the other end of the alley. Halfway through was another alleyway that led in the direction of HQ so I took that making sure Rick followed.  I hoped this would throw off the car. We reached the other end and kept running to the other side of the street. We had to keep to the narrow streets and alleys even if Rick didn't like it. We kept up the pace and ran into a narrow street lined on both sides by buildings but I quickly realized it was a dead end. There was a fence right at the end but it was too high to climb quickly. And it was too late, the car had found us again and had entered at the other end of the street and was gaining speed towards us. I looked at Rick.

 "Any chance you could fly us out of here superman?" I asked and he looked shocked at my ability to make a wisecrack.

 "Uh no." he replied shakily. He looked comical standing beside me with his makeshift cape and again I found myself wanting to laugh. It's what happens when I'm in tight situations.

 "I thought so." the car was no more than twenty feet from hitting us and I had to think fast. The street was too narrow to run around it on either side, barely enough space for whoever was inside to open their doors without hitting the brick walls surrounding us. I needed a plan and fast. What did we have that we could use against them?

 In a moment of sheer genius I turned to Rick. "Give me your gun." he didn't protest or point out the fact that it wasn't a real gun he just simply handed it over. I took out mine as well and held one in each hand. This had better work.

 The car was almost ten feet away from us and picking up speed. In a last ditch attempt I emptied both our paintball guns onto their windshield.

 If we couldn't see in then they wouldn't see out either. They didn't bother turning on the wipers because they had us point blank but I had another part to my plan. Once I emptied the guns I threw them to the ground and without looking at Rick I told him, "Get ready to jump."

 "What!? are you crazy!?" he shouted in reply.

 "Maybe a little but it's better than being ran into by a car. You can do parkour right?"

 "Yeah." he said quickly. The car was almost on us.

 "Then jump!" I yelled as the car was inches from hitting us. I landed on the roof and I felt Rick do the same but the car was still moving and we needed to get off before it hit the wall. I jumped and hoped Rick did the same. I d and rolled to prevent myself from spraining an ankle as the car flew out from under me. I got up just in time to turn and see the car smash into the metal fence making horrible screeching sounds as it tore through and then smashed into the huge dumpster container on the other side at full speed. Moments before Rick and I had stood in front of that wreck. There was no explosion but the car was totaled in the front and although I could see no movement I doubt the driver and passenger were more than unconscious and would be awake soon. I looked around for Rick but saw no sign of him. I starte to panic. Had he not jumped in time. I was just about to yell his name when I felt a hand clamp down on my shoulder. I whirled around prepared  for a fight but it was only Rick. He must have caught the worried look on my face because he smirked.

 "Let's go!" he suggested and I ran ahead leading the way to HQ not waiting a second more for whoever was after us to pursue.

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