Chapter 32

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******Okay everyone, I feel like a horrible person for not uploading ever so I am going to give you guys a few unedited chapters to make up for it while I edit the rest of the old chapters and try to write new stuff. Remember these next chapters are basically unedited but I want to at least give you guys something. So proceed with caution :P Can't say I didn't warn you that these may be bad haha

P.S. Thanks to all of you who are still reading this even though I'm bad at updating!!*********

the perfect oppurtunity arose in the next few days. there was rumor that there was going to be a mock mission sometime soon with our SAT class. Nobody knew when exactly it would happen but they knew it was happening soon. i was so grateful that i would finally have th echance to get out of HQ after nearly two and a half weeks, that i nearly forgot that rick and i were on lockdown. although once i remebered this my mood changed dramatically. i decided then that rick and i had to track down Caesar and have a little talk. this was easier decided than done. caesar was a hard guy to catch around HQ nowadays but thankfully he chose to show his face before the mock mission had happened and i had the chance to corner him in his office.

rick and i walked into his office but caesar was no sitting down he was looking through his filing cabinent for something and seemed agitated when he didnt find it. he also seemed to be in a rush which i figured could either work in my favor, meaning hed have less time to ponder the consequences of lifting rick an my lockdown, or it could mean id have less time to persuade him. hopefully his rush left him in the perfect mood for the former to work.

Before i could even say a word though caesar spoke, "Jessica i am very busy and i know what you are going to ask. the answer is no and i would be grateful if you left it at that. however i know you will not so get on with it."

i wasted no time pleading my case, "Caesar you have to let us go. its part of our eduction. i understand keeping us in HQ for free outings but you cant prevent us both from leaving HQ if it has to do with a class." he continued to look at me and i knew i would have to do better, "rick is behind our age group enough as it is. caesar, i dont think it would help any if he was forced to miss out on an outing like this that could teach him a lot more than he will learn couped up in this underground hole." i was getting him, i knew pulling the rick card was the right idea. "Besides, its my second last year here and it will be my first class uting and i dont want to miss out, caesar you have to let us go."

he sighed exhaustedly, and i dont know if it was because he was tired of me or if he was simply tired from all the work hed been doing lately. either way i knew i had persuaded him and that no further pressing was neccessary. "Fine, but i am making you teachers aware that if anything happens on this trip you two will not be seeing the outside until this situation is sorted out. that means no going out of your way to try and get whoever is out there to come after you." he looked pointedly at me, "you stick to the mission that your trainer gives you and if you stray even a little there will be consequences. ill leave it to you to explain those to richard. this is no business of yours to solve, you let the real agents handle this and there will be no problems." he stared down both me and rick for a moment witing to see if either of us would challenge him. i almost wanted to bring up the fact that it was clearly unfair that we had to suffer because some wackjobs were after us. we hadnt done anything to make this happen. yet i refrained from speaking as i did not want to jeoprodize this chance at getting out of HQ. "Are we clear?" he asked and i nodded.

"Yes sir." rick said formally and caesar smiled. "okay you two may go now. i have things to do and need my privacy." so we did as we were told and left his office.

i smiled as we walked. i was feeling triumphant. Once we were gone rick turned to me and smirked, "Youre lucky hes so busy and has a lot on his mind, else you wouldnt have gotten him to agree so easily. trust me back when he was at the orphanage he wuldnt let me do anything. you know how many times i had to sneak out of that place." he laughed. it was the first time id heard him speak of the place since we had taken him from it weeks ago. i was intrigued and wondered if i could keep him talking and get a glimpse into the past he kept so well hidden.

"whatever. i so would have gotten him anyway. besides how hard could it have been for you to convince him back at the orphanage. what did you have to convince him to let you do? go hold pity parties wit hyour fellow orphans?" i teased and he scoffed.

"Actually-" but of course our moment had to be ruined by a visit from the queen bitch of the headquarters down below; Audrey. what could she want?

of course i already knew the answer to that silly question. in fact i had had the answer since rick and i were attacked on free day. ever since then audrey had made it her mission to attach herself to ricks arm as much as she possibly could without looking like a weirdo obsessive bitch. i knew exactly what she was trying to do too; she was trying to get information. just like everyone else secretly was too, although she was definitely the least subtle. one thing about HQ, probably one of the only things that make it similar to regular schools, is that there is never any shortage of gossip. someones father killed this assassin and then ran off to russia with the mans wife, only to return to his wife a week later short a finger and out of a house, you know that sort of thing. its hard to tell what stuff is actually true since we are all trained liars and could make up the wildest stories if we willed it, and the latest fad in the gossipmill seemed to be rick and i, and our attackers. many of the details were already known by most, but some had definitely been blown out of proportion, unless i had missed the part where I had ran someone over with a car.

it seemed that audrey and everyone else too had it in their heads that rick and i knew things about what was going on that they had not already heard. they thought we were in the loop. obviously this was not the case, but it wasnt like i was going to tell everyone that. if they wanted to think i knew something i didnt, let them. i didnt care. the only thing i actually cared about was making their belief in this matter true.

anyway, as per usual audrey slinked up to us and linked her arm through ricks. rick looked over at me desperately and i rolled my eyes. i knew that he really didnt enjoy having audrey hang onto him all the time but what did he want me to do about it? couldnt he solve his own problems?

"Hey Odd-rey. here to raise a little hell?" i asked sweetly and she glared at me.

"Im not here to talk to you Fawkes. Im here to see rick." i snorted.

"Well thats obvious of course." i replied as i gestured to their linked arms. something about this bondage bothered me for some reason, but i chose to ignore it.

"You can leave now Jess, me and rick are going to hangout in the common room and im not really in the mood to entertain a third party."

I gave her a bark of a laugh, "Ha! as if you could entertain me Odd. Dont flatter yourself, its not appealing." rick snickered at my remarks and i looked at him. he returned my gaze with that desperate look again and i smirked. i guess it wouldnt hurt to let him suffer a bit in audreys company, it would help him with his acting chops. "Besides i definitely have better things to do than watch you make eyes at ricky" I smiled coldly and strode off towards my room.

i had accomplished my mission to convince Caesar to let me go on the mock mission whenever it happened, but for some reason i felt like i had lost a different battle that night. a battle i wasnt even aware i was a participant in.


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