Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

                The next day I woke up early as usual but I did not feel the same dread at having to train Rick as I did the day before. I wasn't excited exactly, however, I did not hate the fact that I had to train him, though I figured if I gave him some time he'd start to annoy me again in no time. As I was in the process of getting ready to go pick him up from the common room I was surprised when Bridget suddenly burst into the room, panting. She spotted me and looked relieved that I was there.

                "Jess!" she gasped trying to catch her breath. Why had she been running? And more importantly what did she have to tell me? "Jess, Caesar wanted me to tell you this." she paused again to breathe, she is probably in worse shape than Rick and is definitely not made for running even though she’s the perfect size. I allowed her to catch her breath and did not push her to continue until she was ready and breathing evenly. "Caesar told me to tell you that he won’t be here today because he has something else to attend to so don't bring Rick to see him until tonight." that's what she’d had to rush here to tell me?

                "That's it? What other matter is he attending to?" I pressed. She knew.

                "That's what else I had to tell you. You know those guys that attacked you two days ago on your way to bringing Rick to HQ they aren't dead!"

                "What?" I didn’t think I’d heard her correctly.

                "They were on their way to the morgue at a secure location where they were going to give them an autopsy to see what they took, but while they were being moved they woke up, totally not dead, killed the agents transporting them and then escaped to who knows where!" that was really crazy news but that’s life as a spy so I wasn't entirely thrown.

                Before Bridget had told me what had happened I had been absolutely sure of two things. One; Labradors and poodles are two types of dogs that should never have been interbred and whoever the idiot is who came up with the idea should go dig a hole, jump into it and stay there, because it is simply a stupid idea. I mean a Labradoodle? Who the hell wants a big curly haired freak show for a pet? The little ones are ugly enough. Two; when someone dies its permanent. They don’t come back to life unless they are a zombie in one of those horrible movies that I’ve sworn never to watch. 

                But my mind did not stay focused on mine and Rick’s first attackers for long, instead I almost immediately switched tracks to the other guy who'd attacked me and Rick the other night. If those two weren't dead and he took the same pill as them chances were he wasn't dead either! However, I couldn’t share this revelation with Bridget so I took the news silently and she watched me waiting for a reaction that wouldn’t come.

                "Anything else?" I asked. She looked surprised that I didn’t make the rise from the dead of my attackers a big deal, but she didn’t stay surprised for too long.

                "No, besides the fact that they have no idea where they are, what kind of pill they took or even who they work for or anything like that because they wouldn't talk and are now gone!" she said incredibly. That was not good.

                "Does Rick know?" I asked. I realized i was being strangely calm at this news and I couldn’t figure out why that was.

                "No. I came straight here to tell you."

                "I should go tell him." I said already heading for the door.

                "Yes you should, but Jess you should know he kind of-" but I cut her off and opened the door.

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