Chapter Twenty Four

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 We were almost there, I could practically see HQ from where we were. Safety was just a sprint away, so close yet so far.

 I almost screamed when I was grabbed from behind, but at least the logical side of my brain still worked and knew screaming would do no good. Instead I squirmed only it was to no avail. Whoever had their arms around me had lifted me off the ground and were holding me tight. It didn't hurt but it was frustrating which made me wonder what was going on. If it was the people who were after us why we're they wasting their time being gentle with me and why weren’t they taking me away?

 Rick only confirmed my suspicions when he turned around and yelled my name, but he didn't sound scared, he actually seemed relieved and I felt the feeling rush through me as well as I also realized who it was.

 "C'mon carter!" I grunted in frustration as I continued to squirm.

 "Sorry Jess!" he mumbled and continue to hold me tight. He wasn't shooting me so that led me to believe that he had used up all his ammo back at the park. At that moment I kicked back into game mode and snapped out of real life, the baddies would have to be forgotten for the moment. I had to get out of Carter's grip.

 Rick was jut standing there about ten feet in front of where I struggled with carter and I wanted to smack him over the head for doing that. Either he should help me or get the flag back to HQ and win. I heard shouting about a block or so in the distance opposite from the way we had came and I knew it was audrey coming with our flag. I guess Rick wouldn't get to be my hero just yet.

 "Rick go! Get the flag into HQ!" I instructed and he snapped back into action and ran. Now how was I going to get away from carter? I suspected that my team must be somewhere behind us chasing after stray members from the other team so I figured shouting out to them wouldn't do any harm. So I tried but carter immediately clamped his hand over my mouth.

 "Sorry Jess!" he said again quickly.

I breathed out through my nose. I squirmed a little more but it was hopeless. Then possibly the greatest Idea I'd had all night popped into my head and it was all thanks to Rick. I was going to copy one of his moves.

 I stuck my tongue out and licked Carter's hand. It was salty and a little sweaty but I didn't get stuck on the taste because it worked. He released me taking away both his hand from my mouth and from around me. I stumbled a bit when my feet reached the ground but regained my footing quickly in time to rear back and elbowed carter in the stomach. I made use of the moment he was doubled over and ran after Rick who was close to reaching HQ. in the distance I could see Audrey and poured on the speed practically dragging Rick behind me once I reached him. It was all uphill from there. We got into HQ with no problem and only came to a standstill when we reached the elevator.

 The doors opened we were greeted by our three trainers. "Congratulations Rick and Jess, your team has won." announced mr Carmichael.

 It must have been a spur of the moment thing, then again Rick was a touchy guy, but he hugged me. I didn't immediately get angry because there was actually something I had to tell him.

 As he pulled me close I whispered in his ear "Don't tell them anything." and I felt him stiffen as I pulled away smiling.

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