Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

                After Hattie, Rick and I dropped Bridget off in the lab for her class on something to do with computers or chemistry or something equally scientific (that I most likely suck at), we headed to Strategies and Tactics. I actually really like this class. Maybe it's because Mr. Carmichael is a good teacher and makes the class fun in his own quirky way. And okay, maybe it's because I'm good at it.

                Now I don't want to go into extensive details about what we do in Strategies and Tactics class but I will briefly outline it. For a couple of weeks we learn all the different attack techniques and how to plan and execute them quickly and precisely. The planning process is supposed to become second nature to us all, and we should not think longer than a few seconds about a plan in the field. We need to be quick thinkers. The other option is we die. After we learn all the planning stuff we switch teachers to Mr. Ashford (while Mr. Carmichael teaches the younger kids) and he takes us up to the abandoned factory and we get to put our plans into action, which is the really fun part. The factory is good for some things other than protecting Headquarters.

                I didn't feel like explaining the whole concept of the class to Rick either, because Mr. Carmichael would hopefully do that for me or I would just get around to telling him later. Although, surprisingly enough; Rick wasn't asking. He wasn't asking any questions at all. He was oddly quiet and question free. This just proves that he does it to annoy me because as soon as someone else is around, that isn't Bridget, he stops being so aggravating. I made a mental note to remember that. It could come in handy when my Rick induced headaches made me a little murderous feeling. Knowing this would definitely benefit his well-being in the long run.

                "So Rick, excited for your first day as an almost agent in training?" Hattie asked him innocently stressing the word almost. She was walking uncomfortably close to him and brushing his hand with hers more than once. I smiled. Hattie enjoys unnerving people who are already nervous as it is. Rick subtly tried to move away. Hattie winked at me when he wasn't looking.

                "Well I was, until I woke up this morning and looked in a mirror, and then I kind of wondered what the hell I was doing in this madhouse.” Hattie thought he was joking and laughed but I could tell he was being completely honest even though he didn't really regret being here. True, he'd had a crappy start to the day, but it wasn't that bad and he knew it, because it was either this or he could be stuck at his orphanage. Besides, I was getting the feeling that he liked it here despite the crazy stuff and crazy people.

                "As I've told you Ricky you're going to have to get used to it." I informed him matter-a-factly. He nodded then his eyes widened like he'd just realized something important.

                "Wait a second. Hattie? Did you just say I'm almost an AIT? I thought I was already, since I'm here and all."

                "Well you are, kind of. There's this process, an initiation of sorts. First you get pranked by the twins for about a month, sometimes only a few weeks if you're lucky, then you get your ass handed to you all week in training and the third thing we can't tell you. But, if you survive all that then you will officially be welcomed into our AIT family with open arms." I answered him and Hattie nodded in agreement. He slumped his shoulders in mock defeat.

                 "Yeah, open arms with hands in the form of fists ready to punch the newbie, right?” he mumbled and I smiled, "Well that's great news. Now I've got initiation to worry about too," As he said this we arrived at Mr. Carmichael's classroom and standing there was the man himself, presumably waiting for Rick's arrival.

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