Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

                We walked into the dining hall late and do I even need to explain why? No, I think you can guess who caused our tardiness.

                Nobody is ever late to dinner since we are all spies in training and spies are never late. However, Bridget, Rick and I were that night. It was not my fault but rather Rick's; he kept insisting that we let him see if he could remember what direction to go in and so Bridget and I let him. Due to our lateness you can probably imagine quite well how that went.

                The dining hall is big and it connects to the kitchen through these flappy doors like in restaurants. It's kind of looks like a school cafeteria, only the food is way better, the tables and chairs are better looking and more comfy, and the teachers eat here too. Sometimes there are even random field tests in the middle of a meal. So not really like a regular school cafeteria at all but close. That seems to be the norm for HQ; almost normal but completely different.

                The only downfall about the dining hall is that there is only one entrance that doubles as the exit meaning there was absolutely no way for us to slip in unnoticed. When we stepped through the doors it was like everyone stopped what they were doing turned to look at us all at once. It was quite funny actually, everyone was really in sync and I would've laughed had it not been for the fact that everyone was just staring and it was kind of creepy and not to mention quiet. I smiled at everyone and waved attempting to break their uncomfortable stares. Still everyone just stared at us. Well not at us really, mostly just Rick. It’s true they were only staring because we now had a new addition to our large extended family and everyone wanted to get to know him; learn why he was here and what he could do. I was surprised everyone didn't come jump on him and bombard him with super personal questions though they all seemed to be on the edge of their seats, seconds away from doing so.

                HQ rarely acquires newbies of Rick's age so this was a new experience for a lot of people here. I'd been at HQ a while and I'd seen plenty of people come and go so it wasn't that big of a deal for me for me but for others who hadn’t been around as long it definitely was. It's not like we get new recruits everyday it's not easy to find people suited for life as a spy. Even then most of the time they are not orphans that are recruited by Caesar. Our last recruit had come to HQ a little under a year ago and that is not counting the young kids we get yearly.                

Everything was really quiet like the volume in the dining hall had been turned off. I felt Bridget and Rick starting to get tense beside me under the stares of so many people; I guess they didn't really like the attention. I didn't really care though. I just ignored everyone's stares and the silence and carried on like normal.

                 I walked towards my regular seat beside Reeky who was also staring. To fix this I snapped my fingers in front of his face and he looked at me grinning. Rick and Bridget slowly followed me. Once they had sat down opposite me everyone returned to what they had been doing like someone had pressed play on all their lives again and turned the volume back up. Then the food was served. Tonight was pasta night. It was amazing as always. Lorenzo is truly a better chef than he was a spy. At our table was Reeky, Bridget, Rick and I and even though we were located off to the side of the room it felt like we were the center of attention. I was used to attention though so I was unfazed by it, but Rick was kind of fidgety as he began eating.

                "Why are they all staring at us?"

                "They aren't staring at us they're starting at you nimrod. You're new and we don't really get new people much. Well new people over the age of eleven." I told him and he nodded. "This is Reeky by the way. He made the bomb I used to blow up the east wing resulting in my punishment which is the reason I'm stuck with you. Reeky this is Rick." I introduced them and Reeky smiled wide, holding out his hand. Rick took it his expression a mixture of awe and respect.

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