Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

                I awoke the next morning feeling super pumped and excited for training; as usual.

                I sat up in my bed and stretched out my arms and legs, everything was normal. But I had this annoying feeling that there was something I was forgetting, and that bothered me. I sighed and pulled the covers off my legs. As the fabric brushed my right arm it stung like I had a cut.

                I looked at my arm and the previous night came back to me in a rush. The fight, the knife that cut me, running back to HQ. Then I remembered Rick and in turn my duties as his handler and I all I wanted to do was crawl back into bed. This was going to be one exhausting day of mentoring Ricky. I didn't even want to consider the fact that I'd wake up every day this week and realize this. I sighed suddenly completely unexcited and unpumped.

                It was only seven in the morning and training didn't start until eight o'clock but I still had to get breakfast and find Reeky. I wanted to thank him for making the bomb that got me into this whole mess in the first place. He would just laugh. I'd find him at breakfast.               I'd slept longer than I'd thought I had; a good four hours at least. We'd gotten back way earlier than I'd planned last night and despite the fact that I was totally unexcited for the day I was extremely well rested. For me at least.

                I looked over at Bridget's side of the room. She wasn't there, as usual. She always gets up early to work on some project or talk to one of the teachers about something. She's a genius after all and that is what geniuses do in the morning. I added her to the list of people I needed to find. Oh and I couldn't forget to throw Rick in that category too, I figured he was probably lost already and I had to find him because we had to go meet with Caesar.

                I returned my attention my arm again and examined it. The cut looked worse than it felt and I made up a valid excuse to tell anyone that asked about it. My excuse was that I had gotten it yesterday in the fight and hadn't noticed because I'd had on my jacket and hadn't seen it until last night (Note to self: rip a hole in my jacket to make story more believable). I assumed everyone would believe this because I did have a high pain tolerance and probably wouldn't have noticed it under normal circumstances.

                I was still debating whether or not to tell Bridget about what had happened last night, how there were some bad people after Rick and me, but I still didn't think she'd take it well, or worse she could even tell Caesar! That's what Bridget would do because it meant I was in danger. And Caesar could not find out. I'd get in a load of trouble since I had taken Rick out in the first place. So no, I wasn't going to tell anybody.

                Rick would probably bug the hell out of me about it though. He'd want to talk about what happened and ask a bunch of questions but I didn't have any answers for him so there really was no point in talking at all. But he would not understand that. I sighed and decided I should probably get this fun-filled day of training Rick over with as fast as possible.

                So, I got up, got dressed and started my hunt to find the totally un-elusive Rick Skye. I wanted to get this meeting with Caesar over with quickly so I could get to breakfast and spend some quality time with Bridget and Reeky. Even though I didn't want to tell them what had happened I still wanted to spend time with my two best friends. We have very different schedules with Bridget being a techie, Reeky a bomb and weapons tech and me being a field agent slash whatever else I needed to be in any situation. We'd all taken different routes. At our age we get to specialize and train specifically for what we are going to be with the other classes as extra on the side and all three of us were specializing in different fields.

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