Chapter One (EDITED)

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Chapter One (Edited)

I cannot believe I have to do this. Why are they making me write everything down? Everyone knows what occurred this past month and a half; they were either there, or have at least heard something one way or another. I guess that doesn't really matter though, the intimate little details are all that really matter to anyone.

This report is for practice, or so they say. It's meant to help me learn, you know, by reflecting deeply on my mistakes or whatever. Really though I think I'm only being put through this torture because they don't think I'm capable of coping with the events which occurred in the past month and a half in any other way, and by writing it all down I will somehow accept it.

That and, as previously mentioned, they want the all the nitty gritty details from one of the only points of view that matters.

Nevertheless, no matter what they say it doesn't change the fact that, sure, I can speak twelve different languages and kill a full grown man twice my size with a squiggly straw, but I can't write for shit so this just may be a really lousy report. Actually you can count on that.

For me, the problem with writing mission reports is that I'm more of a take action kind of girl, especially if taking action involves my fist and someone's face. My taste in action doesn't really involve a pen and paper. After all, the pen may be mightier than the sword but I doubt it has anything on my fist.

Anyway thus concludes my whining. If you want to hear me rant further you must only bring up writing in casual conversation and I can make your ears bleed after a few hours.

By the way, my name is Jessica Fawkes, but I'm sure you already know that. I'm a secret agent; a spy, well, in training. That means I'm a genius and can kick serious ass, though that's not all spies do obviously. It's not all taking down bad guys and travelling the world. Only sometimes. Or at least so I've heard, since I'm only in training I'm not entirely sure. But that's beside the point. I'm not going to introduce myself in any useless detail, as that would be tedious and I am already not enjoying this enough as it is (I promise the whining will actually stop now). Just keep reading and you'll learn all you need to know about me and my life in the past little while. Or if you have access you can just read my file and skip to the good bits.

So as I mentioned earlier, everything started a month and a half ago; summer had just came to an end and school would be starting up again for the regular kids aka not me. As for me, I was on a mission; if you could even call it that. I couldn't believe they'd even made me do it. I mean me, Jessica Fawkes; their star pupil, doing a small job? Why? Why waste me on a dumb little recruitment mission?

I guess I was lucky I got to do anything though since I did sort of blow up a small part of HQ. But that wasn't my fault, I swear. Well, not entirely my fault. Reeky made me...well asked test out a new bomb he'd made and of course I'd said yes. How could I say no to making something explode? Explosions are great! Besides, the part of HQ I blew up was in dire need of some serious renovations and the damage was very miniscule, nothing that hadn't already happened in one of the experiment labs. So all in all what I did wasn't so bad. I had just started the demolition part of the process a little earlier then everyone expected. It wasn't like anyone had gotten hurt. It really wasn't that bad...

Okay so maybe it was that bad, and maybe it was kind of my fault, but that doesn't mean they should be putting my amazing talents to waste on some small job like helping to recruit a new potential agent for training. The worst part about the whole situation though had to be the fact that Reeky didn't even get in trouble. Even though it was his bomb and I had simply tested it out. However, it wasn't like I was going to tell on him; if I've learned anything as a spy, and quite frankly from life in general, ratting out your friends is wrong.

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