Chapter Two (EDITED)

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Chapter Two (Edited)

The foster home looked even more run down then the rest of this particular part of the city; it looked more like a prison actually, and I'm not just saying that. It was quite depressing really; the whole building had probably, at some point in time been a light shade of blue (a very ugly one for the record) but it was basically impossible to tell now since the paint was chipped and peeling in long strips that would easily come off if pulled on. Most of the windows, despite the bars which covered most, were cracked like they were on the verge of breaking though none actually were; when the sun hit them they made a bright, twinkly flash across the cracks which blinded anyone who just happened to be passing by. I guessed that unless someone lived in one of the multiple run-down apartment complexes in the area, people didn't come around much. If I had to choose one word to describe the place it would be repulsive.

So, why did Caesar pick this place of all places to search for potential agents, and while we are on the subject, how had he even found the place? I'll never know. I certainly wouldn't have chosen it, unless I was looking for future criminals. However, I'm fairly certain Caesar and I think nothing alike, so, while the reasoning behind choosing this place was not obvious to me, there must have been a really good reason for Caesar. He took this sort of stuff very seriously so he wouldn't have made a rash decision without a perfectly good reason.

I took one last look at the building, breathed out, half tired, half angry that I was even there, and then I made my way up the crumbling concrete steps to the door. Before I even had the chance to knock though, the door opened to reveal a short, fat, bald guy wearing a suit jacket over some overalls that were a little too short for even him. He looked strange, but definitely not out of place inside this disaster zone of a house. I assumed he was the owner/ foster parent of the place but I couldn't be sure. He looked eager, I observed. Had he been watching me from the little half-moon window on the door just waiting for me to come to the door? That thought kind of creeped me out, but I smiled back at him sweetly because that's what I'm best at, hiding what I truly feel and think. His smile grew even wider when I smiled at him, but it did absolutely nothing for his appearance, it just revealed his yellow teeth with two gaping holes, one on top and one on the bottom, where two teeth had previously been. I ignored the creepy, spine tingling feeling this guy was giving me and focused instead on what I was there for. My mind was in spy mode, so I was also running through all the ways I could take him out if he made a move on me. There were oh so many. Finally he broke the silence.

"Well you're a pretty young lady ain't ya? I'm Pete Wembley, the owner of this place. So what can I do for ya? Got an orphan to drop off? Or are you here to purchase? Haha!" he asked with a thick New York accent, which annoyed me. I wondered if he trying to hit on me because, yuck, he was like five times my age. Gross. I resisted the urge to shiver. He laughed loudly at his own joke and I laughed too not missing a beat. It really wasn't a funny joke.

"No," I said laughing a little, "Actually I'm here to see someone. Oliver Peakes? Is he around?" I asked using Caesar's alias and cutting right to the chase not wanting to drag things out anymore then I had to with this guy.

"Why do you need to see him?" Pete asked. Well someone's a nosey little guy.

"I'm Melody Peakes, his daughter, he and I are going out for lunch and he told me to stop by here and we could go together after his meeting." I answered telling him the cover story Caesar had planned out and that I had rehearsed in my head a few times so it would sound as authentic and believable as it should. Obviously it did, because Pete smiled at me again, though he was clearly disappointed I was here to see "my father" and not him. Again, just gross.

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