Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

                "Tell me again why I'm supposed to love this?" Rick groaned from the mat below me. He had landed hard on his back when I'd flipped/thrown him after he'd tried, unsuccessfully, to do the defensive maneuver I'd taught him.

                He groaned in pain again as he continued to lie on the mat, this time rubbing his back. This was not the first time this particular outcome had occurred. In fact it wasn't even the first time he'd made the same mistake. He extended his hand up to me, his signal that he needed help getting up.

                "Because, you're learning." I answered, to which he replied with a doubtful snort and I knew he was definitely wondering how being repeatedly flipped and thrown by me was helping him learn anything. "And, as I've told you, what you should do is stop trying to throw your weight around just because you're bigger than me. It doesn't help at all with this maneuver. You really have got to stop being so dependent on your superior size if you want to learn; you won't always be fighting someone smaller than you so stop trying to take advantage of it now." I told him for the seventeenth time as I grabbed his hand and pulled him to his feet. The first time I'd done this I'd tricked him by letting go of his hand and letting him fall back to the mat, informing him that he shouldn't trust the enemy, but after all the times he'd landed on the floor already I took some pity on him and decided not to be so cruel. Once he was up he rubbed his neck and stretched out his back.

                "How come you're only teaching me defensive moves? How about some offense? Maybe then I'd stand a chance against you." I rolled my eyes. He didn't get it. There was a reason I was teaching him defence before offence. A really, really good reason that he was just not smart enough to realize. I needed to make him understand this reason because if he didn't then what I was trying to do was basically pointless. An idea came to me.

                "Okay, I'll show you why Ricky. Let's try this," I instructed, "If you can get a hit in on me I'll consider teaching you some offence. So, how about you come at me with everything you've got, anything you know how to do. I know it won't be much but I'll still be able to make my point." he glared at my comment about his lack of abilities, but I ignored him and instead I gestured for him to make his move.                    

He did. Which was his first mistake because you should never make the first move. Always wait, there's no need to be impatient.    

Rick swung at me and I blocked it sharply with my forearm. He was taken aback by my speed but he kept on swinging and I kept blocking. He couldn't get a hit in, my defence was too solid. I immediately honed in on all his flaws and the mistakes he was making. For instance, he made it so easy for me to block his punches because he wasn't controlling his swings or grounding himself, meaning he stumbled every time I dodged or blocked a punch. He needed to learn to pull back and not follow through all the way when the object he was trying to connect with moved. Also he wasn't quick enough for me.

                He decided to change tactics when he realized it was hopeless trying to get a punch in on me. So he lifted his leg to kick me but the kick was aimed too high. It was the dumbest move he could've made.

                I grabbed his leg mid-swing and used it as leverage to throw him backwards toward the hard mat that padded our sparring area. He lost his balance and landed on his butt with a thud and a grunt. He got back up but I quickly grabbed his arm that was taking yet another swing at me and forced it behind his back using this painful new position to force him to the ground. He grunted in pain as I pushed up harder on his arm holding him to the ground. I straddled his back and bent down so my lips were level with his ear.

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