Chapter Twenty-Two

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Ch. 22

Note: Hey everybody who reads this, first of all thanks so much! Secondly I would just like to apologize for the long wait. I've been too busy to update on here but I have been writing and for some reason stockpiling chapters. So I'm going to give you a super long chapter here and hope I can put a few others up as well, although I still have to edit a bit. Anyway, as always feel free to comment! Any and all criticism is welcome! Thanks :D

We were hidden on the rooftop of a random apartment building overlooking the park across the street. Everything was visible from where we were, everyone was visible.

Since each member of the opposing team guarding the flag was clearly visible from mine and Rick's rooftop vantage point, it was immediately clear that we were outnumbered. Five of our classmates were spread throughout the tiny park. Each one of them wore dark clothing allowing them to blend into the dim light of the evening. However, even though I counted five I suspected there was one more person out of view. Clearly they were on the defensive since we had only left four people back to guard our flag while they left a possible six.

After surveying the scene at the park below for a few more moments I decided that before Rick and I did anything rash I needed to meet with my other teammates. Rick and I would not stand a chance alone and if I wouldn't do a stupid thing like going solo with a newbie in real life then I certainly wasn't going to do it in a game either. Simulations are preparation for the real thing and taking a shortcut in training leads to bad habits in the future, habits that could get you killed.

So, I called in reinforcements.

I got message to my team through the comms unit we'd all been set up with and told Hattie, Benji and the twins to meet Rick and I at our current location on top of the building across from the park.

We didn't have to wait long as they were expecting the call. Hattie arrived first with Benji and the twins were right behind them. Once they'd all joined us on the roof I examined each one of them. All of them looked fine, and even in the dim light I could see the excited gleam in each of their eyes at the realization that the game was now officially on. I smiled brightly right back at them. I greeted them quickly then got straight down to business.

"First, let's hear who you guys took out so we can figure out who's down there." I said, "Rick and I got Mickayla and John." I informed them. That left ten members on their team.

"I got Isabel, I followed her practically halfway to our flag without her even realizing." Hattie bragged. I smiled. Nine.

"That means they know where ours is." one of the twins pointed out.

"Then we've got to work fast. Anyone else?" I asked.

Benji smiled like a child who knew he had done something worthy of praise, "I took out Adrian. He was trying to get rid of some homeless guy that wouldn't stop talking to him. Once he finally got rid of the guy I swept in and took him out. Discreetly." we laughed. Sucked for Adrian.

I looked at the twins but they shook their heads, they had only scouted. That meant their team had eight people left. So far I had heard of no casualties for us so that meant we had a full team against just the eight of them.

"We can tell you who's down there though." they said together.

"Stop doing that guys, it's creepy." Hattie said and they smirked at her.

"Obviously Audrey and Aspen are out after the flag right? So were Isabel and Adrian. So there is only six of them left unless they've dispatched more help with the flag." a quick look at the park showed that they did not. Unless the sixth person was not hiding as we suspected. "So they've got Andrea, Scott, Daniel, Logan and Carter. I don't think Diana would go searching so she's probably hiding somewhere on the route back to HQ waiting to take us out." I nodded in agreement.

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