Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

                It was almost midnight before Bridget finally fell asleep. I had just finished explaining every single tiny detail about that day’s mission to her, answering all of her millions of questions like I always do when I come back from a mission. She’s like my own personal debriefer. See, I never find it annoying when I have to answer her questions, this is probably because Bridget is my best friend and I tell her absolutely everything and vice versa so I don't find it hard to tolerate. She's the first and only person I've ever told about my past.

                 Now Rick on the other hand is the complete opposite; I cannot tolerate his constant questioning quite so well.

                Anyway, since she was asleep I was contemplating leaving HQ and roaming New York City for the night like I tend to do most nights. I was wide awake as I usual but I wasn't so sure if I should go out that night. I mean Caesar probably had me under a tight watch because he probably thought I would skip out for the week just to get out of my handler duty. But I'd never do that and have never done anything that would suggest I would now. I never bail out on my assignments, even if I really don't like them. In my opinion it's a sign of weakness to not face the things you don't like or just don't want to do, and if I can say anything about myself it's that I'm not weak.

                I was really restless though and to be honest being caught out and about after hours wasn't that big of a deal to me. I've never gotten caught before (I'm way too good for that) and besides, lots of people roam around HQ at night, it's not just me. I know this because sometimes when I'm hidden in the shadows I see them but they never see me. It's not like there is a rule against leaving your room at night either so technically I wasn't doing anything bad so long as I didn't leave HQ, which is what I do but at least I always come back before anyone notices.

                 I'm probably the only one who actually leaves the facility but who needs to know that? I figured it was okay to leave for a few hours so long as I didn't do anything wrong. That's how I reasoned with myself. That night I hoped Caesar trusted me and knew me well enough to not have me watched. I was not going to skip out I just wanted some fresh air.

                I made up my mind and decided to go. I needed to get out and get some fresh air. I'm always restless at night no matter how much training or physical activity I get during day. I think I may have some form of insomnia or a hyperactive brain and body disorder that constantly makes me need to be doing something at all times, even at night. It's no doubt a mix of both. I'm rarely ever really tired and when I am it is usually because I'm not doing anything.

                Having made the decision to get out of HQ for a few hours I slipped out of my bed quietly, grabbed my jacket and snuck out of our room. Bridget continued to snore softly and noticed nothing; she’s a deep sleeper.

                I was still wearing my clothes from the day because id known I'd most likely go out that night, so all I had to do was shrug on my jacket and get out of there quick. It was late already and I'd have to be back before everyone woke up. This left me with approximately four hours to take a stroll around the city. I took a route that I was sure no one else would be taking at this hour to lessen the chance of being spotted. I think people know that I don't sleep much at night though so I doubt anyone would be too surprised to see me.

                HQ is kind of creepy at night because it's so dark and there's the fact that you're underground with very minimal options for escape if and if you start to feel claustrophobic it's hard not to take into account that there are no windows and the only source of light is the dim blue lights that illuminate the halls. But I didn’t let stupid things like that bother me, instead I just kept walking making sure to periodically check my surroundings to see if there was anyone else around.

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