Chapter 81: Meeting Lucy

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Narrator's POV

It was the end of November. Camila was on her private jet flying to Miami, where Lucy lived. Camila wanted to meet Lucy in person and to talk to Lucy as her half-sister. She also wanted to find out what Lucy intended to get the painting. She went to Miami with Dinah, Jason, and another bodyguard. It was her first trip out of New York since her parents' death.

"Mila, I think she would be shocked to see you in Miami," Dinah said when they were on the way to Lucy's studio in Miami. Camila had told her what Mrs. Hsarris told her.

According to Jason's findings, Lucy returned to Miami and opened an art studio after Lucy left New York. She did what she loved and settled in Miami.

"Yes, I think so. I hope it won't be difficult." Camila said. "How would you feel if you were in her shoes?" Camila asked Dinah.

Dinah was thinking, "It's not easy. I mean, you got what she did not have and what she wanted. On the other hand, if she is good. She might understand as it's not your fault."

"I am anxious about meeting her, D." Camila did not know what to expect. She felt sorry for Lucy. Hailee had tried to reach Lucy over the phone, but Lucy did not want to talk to Camila.

"Yeah..." Dinah squeezed Camila's hand, "don't worry, okay. We don't have control over it. At least, you don't have a bad intention." Dinah smiled.

"You're right. Thanks, D."

"Do you think she knew Lauren is her half-sister?" Dinah asked.

"I don't think so. Otherwise, Lucy would not sleep with her." Camila guessed.

"But it happens, half-siblings fall in love with each other," Dinah said.

"Yes, you're right, too, but I don't know. I can't even imagine that." Camila bit her lip. "...If both of them know about it." Camila thought that Lauren did not know about it, and Lucy probably did not know it.


They arrived at the building where Lucy's studio was at three o'clock in the afternoon. The studio was quite decent in size and filled with many paintings. It was bright and cozy. They walked into the studio. A girl in her early twenty welcomed them

"Hello, welcome to our studio," She smiled at the three of them.

"Hi, is it Lucy's studio? Lucy Vives?" Camila asked.

"Yes," The girl was friendly.

"Is she here? Can I meet her?" Camila asked.

"Yes. May I know your name?" The girl asked.


"Okay, wait a moment. I'll let Lucy know." The girl walked inside.

She came out, "Sorry, she can't meet you."

"But she is here?" Dinah said.

"Yes, she's... busy." The girl was little stammering.

Camila walked past her and headed to where the girl just came out.

"Ms..." The girl tried to stop her, but Camila got her way and reached where Lucy was.

Lucy was sitting by the window, and she was shocked. They were looking at each other. Jason and Dinah showed up behind Camila.

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