Chapter 48: Falling Deeper

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Camila's POV

Dinah stayed over at my place last night. We were going to enjoy our Friday together. We went shopping. She said I needed a new dress for my first date with Lauren. I rolled my eyes but I went along with her idea for shopping, but not shopping for a dress for my first date with Lauren as I got many at home.

"So, do you have any idea where's Lauren taking you for your first date?" Dinah asked me when we were in the car leaving my house. Peter was driving and Jason was in the front seat with him. I always used this car with the private suite. I trusted Peter and Jason but they did not have to listen to my daily conversation with Dinah and it was more comfortable for us as well.

"No, I don't know."

"Is it a dinner date?" Dinah asked again.

"I don't have any idea, D. She said we would go after we have our learning session."

"Lunch date?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. She did not tell me anything. She just said she would come to my place as usual in the morning."

"Did she mention what to wear... at least?"

"No, does it matter?" I never went to a formal date, just hanging out with the boys in the past. It was not even a date at all. Call me old-fashioned, I wanted a real date, as someone asked me out for a date and put the effort in it, not just casually or halfheartedly asked me to hang out with them and did not treat the date right. So far, Lauren did well as I wanted. The way she asked me out was the way I always wanted. That was why I did not think twice to accept her invitation. 

"Yes, of course. Just to make sure you don't go with the wrong outfit." Dinah was always well dressed, but what she said did make sense, "yes, are you girls going to the beach, to the fancy restaurant, to a mountain, or some hiking. It's a totally different outfit."

"Yeah... but she said nothing. I'll consider something casual will do." I did not prepare anything special but I was a bit nervous anticipating how it would be as it was my first date. I never went to a prom with someone special. Besides, those boys or a few girls did not know how to ask me out for a date, My father was overprotective as well, I did not have a teenage life like others in general.

"Ask her!" Dinah suggested to me.

"No... it's strange." I said.

"No, it is not. Give me your phone, I'll text or call her."

"No, D. It's not a good idea."

"It is... just to make sure you dress accordingly. Either you need a fancy dress, jeans instead of dress, or even bikini..." Dinah laughed. Dinah wanted to take my phone from me. I did not let her, but I knew she would not stop easily.

"Okay, I'll text her." I did not want to call her as she was working and I just wanted to ask something which was nothing to do with work.


To Lauren: Hi, Lauren! Can I ask you a question?

From Lauren: Hi, Camz! Yes, you can 🙂

To Lauren: I wonder where are we going tomorrow?

From Lauren: It's a surprise, Camz!🤫

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