Chapter 63: Jealous Camila

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Narrator's POV

Camila arrived in the office at ten past nine on Monday morning. She passed Lauren's office and she did not see Lauren. She was thinking probably Lauren was in the kitchen or went somewhere else. Camila brushed it off and went to her room to prepare herself for the first meeting today. Lauren did not call her yesterday after the practice as Lauren told her that she would call once she finished. Camila was a little unhappy with it. 

Since Lauren did not tell her about Selena, and she could not get any information from Normani or Ally, Camila asked Jason to find out about Selena. Friend way could not get her the information that she wanted, she used the expert way. Yesterday, when she needed more information, she went to her study room to call Jason and asked him to fact-check about Selena. Camila knew it was not good, she should have asked and trusted Lauren instead, but Camila could not help it. Jealousy got her bad this time. 

Ally went to Camila's office after Hailee left her room.

"Morning, Mila!" Ally greeted her.

"Morning, Ally!"

"How's Lauren?" Ally asked. "Is it worse or better than last time?"

Camila looked at Ally confused, "... what do you mean?"

Ally confused as well, "You... did not know?"

"Know what?" Camila was getting more confused.

"She texted me that she can't come. She's in the hospital."

"What?" Camila was shocked. She stood up.

"Yes..." Ally looked at Camila wondering why she did not know. Camila and Lauren always spent their weekend together. "She texted me telling me she can't come and asked me to get the file on her desk for the meeting."

Camila took her phone and she called Lauren.

"Didn't she tell you?" Ally asked still in her confusion. 

"No, I did not talk to her yesterday." She called but Lauren did not pick up the phone. Camila was anxious. She dialed Lauren's number again, "What did she tell you?"

"She said she had an accident yesterday..."

"Argh... Lauren picks up the phone..." Camila was frustrated as Lauren did not answer the phone after she called her three times. She texted her asking her what happened and telling Lauren to text her back.

"Why didn't she tell me?" Camila talked to herself.

"Mila, she's fine... she said she just needs a few days off. so... she said don't worry about her." Ally tried to calm Camila down,

"Do you know which hospital?" Camila asked.

"No, Mila. I thought you know so I did not ask further, and she sounded fine." Camila looked at her phone thinking "Do you want to cancel the meeting?" Ally asked since Camila looked anxious. 

"No, just delay it for half an hour. I need to check on her first." Camila said. She wanted to talk to Lauren before the meeting that she could feel at ease.

"Okay... I'll inform them." Ally went out of the room.

Lauren did not reply to Camila's messages and calls. Camila had to attend the meeting so she left for the meeting even she had not got any reply from Lauren. She asked Jason to find out where Lauren was hospitalized. The meeting went as usual. It was just the monthly report from each department. After the meeting, ten minutes before the lunch break, Camila went to the hospital that Jason informed her. She went there with Jason and her driver, Peter.

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