Chapter 42: Sing Her To Sleep

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Narrator's POV

To Normani: Hi, Mani! Are you home?

To Lauren: Hi, Lauser! Yes, you wanna come?

To Normani: Yes, if you're free.

To Lauren: Yes, come. I just came back from the tennis club.

To Normani: Oh, Do you need a rest?

To Lauren: No, I am just chilling. Come!

To Normani: Okay, see you!

To Lauren: See you, Lauser!

From the way, Lauren texted her, Normani knew Lauren needed her. She needed someone to talk to or just listen to her. She knew Lauren would have her monthly meeting with her racing team this Sunday. It was probably she wanted to talk about Lucy. Even though Lauren did not think she had to contact Lucy and she did not owe Lucy any explanation, it was disturbing her that they had not spoken to each other since that day in the club. Lauren went to Normani's place after she met Lucy for the last time. 

When Lauren arrived at Normani's place. Normani could tell from Lauren's expression that Lauren was feeling down. Normani was the only person Lauren could open up to easily. Lauren let her guard down whenever she was with Normani. Normani was her best friend. She would give her opinion and advice to Lauren if Lauren asked for it but Normani never judged Lauren, and neither Lauren. Only to Normani, Lauren would show her real feelings without holding them back. She usually would not show her overwhelming feeling to others, especially sadness or unhappiness. It was not because she was afraid that people found out she was unhappy, but she did not want to add unhappiness or sad things to people's lives.

They were chilling in Normani's living room,

"Did you meet Lucy today?"


"How was it?"

Lauren told Normani about Lucy. She quitted the racing team and would leave New York immediately. They talked to each other but things did not go well as before this time. They ended their friendship. Lauren was sad and holding her tears. Normani tried to comfort Lauren and gave her tissue paper.

"It's very sad..." Normani said.

"Yea..." Lauren was sad but she was also relieved that thing was solved now even not in a good way but at least there was closure.  Lauren believed it would be good for both of them for her and for Lucy in the future.

"There's always something we can learn from that right?"


"Don't worry, you still got me, not that easy to get rid of me, Lauser."

"Mani..." Lauren chuckled.

"Oh, how was it with your gorgeous boss?" Normani asked. Lauren told her that she was with Camila when Normani texted her to check on her yesterday. It was the best next topic to talk about since Lauren was always subtly excited when Camila was mentioned. Lauren might hide it from others when she was in love with someone but not from Normani. They knew each other long enough to read each other's feelings easily. Normani was right. Lauren smiled even though there was still sadness in her eyes.

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