44: post-valentine's special or smthn i literally dont know lmao

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What the hell what the hell
Literally what the hell is this
I have no clue
Like at all
Simone will ruin my life

Frank's POV

"Well that was one hell of a show, don't you agree, Gerard?" Vic asks him, clapping three times.

If I wasn't choking in my own tears and phlegm, I probably would have snapped at him for even addressing my shitcop, but the problem is, I am. So instead, I just sit up straight and feel my blood boil an rise to my head, spreading through my cheeks an awfully warm sensation and probably a bright red hue as well.

Vic then walks to me and forces me down on the table. I don't even put up a fight as he locks the handcuffs again, but I can't help but notice that he's mumbling something while he does it.

"Vic" Mike calls him from the other side of the room.

"Yeah?" His brother asks back.

Mike just gives him a weird look, raising an eyebrow, and Vic responds by simply shaking his head.

I have no clue what they're doing, but to them it appears to be an important issue, by the serious looks on their faces.

Before I can manage to figure anything out, Mike is walking next to Gee. I feel my body tense in anticipation of whatever the guys have planned to do to him.

"Vic, would you kindly?" Mike says, putting one hand up with the palm cupped, ready to catch something.

"Of course" Vic replies, and the smile returns to his face as he kneels down and reaches for something below the table. All I see is a flash of pink fly over me after he tosses the object to Mike. And that simple flash is all I need to know just what it is.

"Like the souvenir, Frank?" Mike asks, flashing his teeth with a grin.

Gerard looks at what he holds up, and makes a face of confusion.

"Is that...?" He starts, squinting his eyes.

"Yep" Vic chimes in. "The very thing that killed my best friend, you guessed it!"

Gerard looks to me, still confused.

"That's... That's Frankie's... I gave it to him" He says in a low volume.

"Well I love the irony of it all, don't you, Frank?"

I'm too tired to answer. I have no clue of how long we've been here, but my body aches, and I have the constant fear that they'll finally start torturing Gee. I'm tired because I know they'll eventually kill him, and I'm just sick of that anticipation. I'm tired of all the death. I've watched my mother die, I've caused the death of my friend, I've stared into my own father's dead eyes, and now, I'll have to watch Gerard, the only person I have left, being drained of life as well? Well excuse me but I'm tired of losing everything. What did I ever do to deserve this?

I bite my lip to keep myself from crying. I can't do this anymore. I'm not strong enough for this all. I don't think anybody ever really is. Even Vic, who is supposed to be one of the tough guys, broke and went on a killing spree to try and overcome his own loss, so how the hell am I expected to move on?

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