36: Im Just Putting Caps On The Title Now To Make It Look Cool Lmao

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I do not know
Why I would go
In front of you and hide my soul
Cause you're the only one who knows it

Gerard's POV

I put my phone back in my pocket. Or at least I try to, because it slips out of my hand and hits the ground, earning me a funny look from Frankie.


He laughs, getting up from his chair and walking to me. "Did it break?"

I kneel on one knee, slowly grabbing the phone and begin turning it over.

I hold my breath.

"So?" Frankie asks, impatiently trying to look over my shoulder.

"Fuck" I say once again. "The letter 'e' fell off the keyboard".

"Fuck" he agrees.

I get on my feet and unsuccesfully try to smooth out my jeans, because a pair of wrinkled skinny jeans to me is pretty much the equivalent to the emocalypse or whatever weird word one could come up with for the doom of emo aesthetics.

"So?" He asks. "What'd she say?"

I put the phone in the pocket of my jacket and fasten my eyes on him.

"She's coming tomorrow for dinner" I inform him. "meaning we literally have a little more than a day to prepare ourselves for the heterosexuality"

I feel a shiver run down my spine as I say that word, and Frankie cringes slightly as well. I seriously have no idea how we're gonna pull this one off.

"So... That gives us one day to maybe do something mildly amusing?" He says, shrugging.

"Or what about we do something useful for once and tell the fucking police to stop looking for you?" I propose.

He rolls his eyes.

"I don't know, Gee... I don't really wanna go, you know?"

"I know, Frankie, we talked about this. I think you're being paranoid and you're not seeing all that's in it for you, are you? I mean, what could possibly go wrong from asking for help from someone who literally offered help and whose entire job is to help people like you?" I say.

Honestly, he's got to admit I've got a point here.

"I guess you've got a point here" he replies with a sigh.

I smirk.

"So? Come on, it's only one time. One little visit to a small town's police office and then you'll be done with this whole thing." I say, then I take a step towards him and take both his hands in mine, pressing them against my cheeks.

"Don't you want to get over it all?" I ask.

"Gee I... Believe me I really want to. I want to move on with my life and honestly, I don't want to be scared to death whenever I leave my house for the rest of my life, and I sure as hell don't wanna let you down but... I can't" he says, and he legitimately looks like he's on the verge of tears right now. "I'm sorry but I seriously can't"

I wrap my arms around his back and pull him as close to me as I can manage.

"I'm so sorry, Frank. I didn't want you to feel so pressured" I tell him in a low voice, then add: "you're not letting me down either, I could never be disappointed by you, trust me." I assure him.

He remains quiet, and responds to me by lifting his feet of the ground and wrapping his legs around my waist, leaving me to carry his entire weight (which of course isn't that much).

"Look, if it makes you feel any better I'll go by myself. I'll find a way to do the papers without you or something" I say.

He pulls away a little, shifting his weight carefully.

"Would you really do that?"

"Sure I would. It's no problem for me really. If you want I could go right now"

He sticks out his lower lip.

"And what am I supposed to do meanwhile?" He whines.

I carry him all the way to the nearest couch and plop myself down on it, him still in my arms.

He slowly rolls on his side so that he's sitting to my right instead of squishing my guts out, which I really appreciate.

"Come on, Frankie, it's not like I'm gonna be gone forever" I chuckle. "Look..." I say, standing up.

I pull my jacket over my shoulders and then hold it out for Frank to take.

"Why are you giving me your jacket you jerk?" He asks, laughing at my flawless logic.

"I don't really know to be honest" I laugh along. "I've seen people do that in many cheesy cliché movies, so I thought you could keep it until I'm back"

He raises a single eyebrow.

"And what exactly am I supposed to do with your jacket?"

"Well aren't we romantic, huh Frank?" I roll my eyes. "I don't know either. Just like, keep it around and take it as a guarantee that I'll be back soon or whatever"

"Yeah, because that makes a lot of sense, does it?" He says, with an annoying ironic smirk on his face.

An annoyingly fucking cute smirk which I find myself loathing.

"Well if you don't want it you can give it back. I'm sorry I suggested something so stupid" I say, but he clings tighter to the jacket in question.

"Who said I wanted to give it back?" He says, smiling a little.

"You're an asshole, do you know that?" I tell him.

"Oh shut up, you love me"

"Unfortunately so" I mutter under my breath as I walk my way over to the front door.

"Hey I heard that!" He calls, still sitting on the sofa in the exact same spot I left him on, the lazy motherfucker.

"Good for you. Now if you'd please let me leave before I lose my sudden urge to solve your problems for you, that'd be great"

"Well in that case I'm not stopping you" he says.

"Please behave while I'm gone oh god" I say and close the door behind me.

But as soon as I hear the thud of it hitting the doorframe, I'm sure as hell he will do anything but behave.


M8s I'm sorry this chapter actually sucks so much but omg I'm excited I've got plot ready wow

Like, actual plot that you kinda actually plan for and wow I'm a professional writer right here lmao

Also there's been so much foreshadowing I'm laughing to myself but oh well I guess you'll see soon what I mean

Love ya



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