28: Idek what to title these anymore i'm sleep deprived

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I've been gone
From this world for what seems like millennia
Looking for nothing short of a miracle,
I only ever wanted to come home

Frank's POV

I open my eyes and all I see is a completely white wall. I blink a couple times, trying to clear my blurry vision as I try to remember where I am. It is dark, but not yet dark enough to make things hard to see. I quickly scan the room and my eyes stop on the night stand beside me.

There's a half-empty glass of orange juice on top of it, and that's all it takes for me to remember where I am.

"I'm sorry, I was thirsty" says a voice next me, and I turn to find Gerard smiling mischievously.

He's sitting on a chair next to my bed and I wonder for how long he's been here, just watching me sleep.

"Hey" I say, smiling lazily.

"Did you sleep well?" He asks.

"I actually have no idea" I say, laughing. "I just kinda shut down and opened my eyes in a totally different time".

He laughs "I know what you mean"

"Man, it just feels great to sleep in an actual bed again" I say, taking a moment to appreciate the fluffy pillow and the blankets that somebody has bothered to put over me.

He smiles, but it doesn't reach his eyes. He obviously wants to ask me something about what has happened to me since we last saw each other.

I sigh.

"It's okay, you can ask" I say, hoping for my own sake that I'm actually as strong as I'm trying to convey him.

He looks up, unsure of wether to listen to me or not. He gets up from his chair and climbs on the bed to sit beside me. After a while he finally speaks up.

"I'm just worried." He finally says. "I don't know... Just tell me everything you're okay with telling me"

I pause for a moment to think. I don't think it would be good to tell him everything, and besides, there are things I know I am not able to handle, let alone say them.

"That day, after you left I felt bad. I thought I was screwing our friendship and I just felt guilty. I felt as if that whole fight had been my fault, and I don't know. I just wanted to fix that" I say. I find it funny to think how it all had happened just a month ago. Just a month ago, Hello Kitty was simply a bad joke from my best friend. Just a month ago I was only worried about school and avoiding getting beaten and thrown into a locker.

I gulp.

A month ago, I wasn't worried about death threats.

I notice Gerard is staring at me and I realize I have gone silent. I look at him and he seems to relax when he sees I'm no longer staring at his wall. He takes my hand in his and it al feels better, like a tiny bit of the weight of my problems has been taken off my shoulders, and he's helping me carry them, without even knowing.

"So I kinda broke inside the principal's office to get your address, because I noticed you were not going to answer your phone" I say and he shoots me a regretful look. I run my thumb across the lines on his palm, letting him know it's all alright.

"So I left school and used my GPS to walk towards here, but then I had to cross that dark alley..." I trail off.

I close my eyes. I don't really want to picture that place ever again.

"The point is..." I force myself to continue "I got kidnapped by some guys that day and just today I was able to escape. But that's what's important now, I'm here and I'm alive". I smile big for him, but he still looks worried.

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