38: and suddenly a wild update appears

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How the fuck did I use to manage to find a quote for every single crapter before lmao idk I'm just gonna write random stuff in italics and hope nobody notices from now on

Frank's POV

What the fuck.

Literally what the fuck.

I've been living in this town for almost two decades and I still don't know where the goddamn police station is. Life goals.

I walk quickly, but since I have absolutely no idea where I'm going it probably makes no difference, does it?

At some point I manage to end up in a street that looks vaguely familiar and slightly less dangerous-looking, so I decide it's as good place as any to start asking around.

I climb the small set of steps that lead to the nearest doorstep and ring the bell. I hope it's not too early for bell-ringing.

After a few seconds, the door opens and a young lady with short, bright blue hair is left standing in front of me.

"Hello there, random guy. I'm Ashley, can I help you?" She asks with a smile.

Im startled by her introduction at first, but really after meeting Simone nothing can surprise me anymore.

"Oh um yeah hi Ashley, I'm Frank and I'm lost" I answer awkwardly.

"Okay, Frank, well where do you wanna go?"

I open my mouth to ask for the police station, but change my mind.

"Ummm do you happen to know where a flower shop is? Not any flower shop, I'm looking for a specific one, I just can't remember it's name"

She looks amused by my lack of skill with words, but she somehow seems to comprehend what I said.

"Can you tell me what it's like? If it's nearby I probably know how to get there"

I bite my lip, trying to remember what the shop looks like. "It's, well, small, and it has one of those huge windows instead of a wall. There's a tiny bell that rings when you enter and a really nice red haired lady seems to be always there at the counter"

Oh well I tried my best.

"You basically described every single flower shop in town, Frank" she laughs. "But anyway that ever-present red-haired girl does ring a bell, I think I know which one you mean"

"You do?" I ask in surprise, not at all expecting my vague explanation to actually be useful.

"Yeah, look. If it's the one I think it is, you just gotta walk three blocks down the street, then make a turn right and walk until you find it, it's not that far" she says, making wild hand gestures to represent me walking that path.

"Thank you so much, Ashley" I say, beginning to turn away from her.

"You're very welcome, Frank, try not to get lost again" she says, waving.

"I ... I will?" I say awkwardly again, leaving her to laugh as she goes back inside and closes the door behind her.

I don't know what to think about that encounter.

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