3: When nothing is pleasant except for the smell

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I can hear you in a whisper
But you can't even hear me screaming

Frank's POV

Gerard walks beside me as we head to the parking lot. The sky has cleared a little, but the pavement is still flooded. I like it that way. If there's something I don't hate about rain it's its smell. I love how the metallic scent clings to the streets, houses and plants equally. It's as if the rain didn't care who it lands on, but just did.

"Here we are" Gerard announces.
I don't have a car and he doesn't, either. Well, not exactly.

"Wanna drive?" He asks, tossing me the keys of his black motorcycle.

My eyes widen and I begin to panic.

Gerard laughs at me and retrieves the keys from my hand.

"You're a pussy, Frankie" he states. "You should learn how to drive it someday, you know? I could teach you"

I choose to ignore his offer and climb on the back of the seat.

"Okay then" he says, getting on the seat as well. He hands me the helmet and I strap it on as he starts the engine.

He never wears a helmet. He says he 'doesn't want to mess his hair up'. I never agree, but I've stopped bugging about it. He's a stubborn piece of dork.

The movement of the motorbike throws me a bit backwards as Gerard starts to speed up. I wrap my arms around his waist as usual to steady myself and avoid being thrown off the vehicle. Once my hands are secured, Gerard speeds up even more. He likes doing that: I can't recall a single time when he did not drive recklessly. Hence, the reason why I'm scared to drive. To be honest, I'm surprised that he hasn't crashed so far.

"Could you slow down, Gerard?" I beg.

"Why? You scared, Frankie?" He teases, and I'm afraid he'll try to go even faster just to annoy me, but he doesn't. I don't realize how tightly I was hugging him until he slows down and I'm able to relax.

"Thank you" I say.

"Anything for you, Frankie"

I lean forward and rest my forehead in his back, enjoying his scent.

It's not long before I feel him turn the motorbike and park it.

"We're here" he tells me, patiently waiting for me to stop leaning on him.

I sit up and get off the motorcycle, one leg at a time. He follows with a graceful jump and lands beside me.

I hand him his backpack, since I am carrying both. He doesn't like me doing that, but it's the only way we've found to be able to ride AND take both our backpacks.

We walk the stone path that leads to my house slowly, giving me time to admire my garden. The stupid rain drowned all my sunflowers, but the grass is greener than ever. Everything has an upside to it, I think.

I'm still staring at my plants when we reach the door, and Gerard gently nudges my shoulder to take me out of my head.

"I umm... Thanks Gerard" I say as I open the door (which is unlocked, as always).

"Wanna come in?" I offer.

He shakes his head no.

"Sorry, maybe next time, Frankie. I have loads of homework to do" he replies. Gerard Way doing homework?! I don't believe a word, but I let it go. He's either avoiding me or he's actually making an effort at school, and that's good I suppose.

"Okay, see you tommorrow dude" I say, waving at him as he traces his steps back to the motorcycle.

"Drive safe" I add.

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