12: Motherly Call

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I was raised in the valley,
There was shadows and death
Got out alive,
But with scars I can't forget

Frank's POV
I feel dizzy.

I'm lying down but I feel dizzy, and my head hurts. What the hell happened to me?

I open my eyes and I see nothing. I think my eyelids must not have moved, so I try again. And only then do I realize that my eyes are actually open. It's the room I'm in that's dark.

I then try to rub my eyes, but my hand won't move.

Actually, nothing will move. I must've hit my head, I think. That would explain the pain and why I can't move.

But then I remember. I was walking to Gerard's house to apologize. What for? I'm still not sure, but I was heading there when a stupid bunch of dudes threw me in a van and tied me up.

I regret not being able to see Gerard.

I try to wiggle my fingers, and to my surprise they can still move despite the fact that I'm 666% sure that they have no blood left.

Who tied my hands up? I swear I'd never felt anything tighter than that stupid rope. The one on my feet isn't as uncomfortable, but it still makes my every attempt at standing up look like a salmon out of the water.

I roll on my back, trying to see if there is anything left in my back pockets.

Of course not, they took my cellphone, pen and headphones. What was I even expecting to...?

I sit up, and on that very moment I feel a lump on my butt. It's so tiny I can barely feel it. My eyes grow to the size of the moon.

That lump.

I lie down and roll until my face is pressed against the hard ground and contort my legs and the rest of my body in a pathetic attempt at reaching my pocket.

And just as I think I'm about to reach it, I hear the door creak open. An insanely bright light floods the room and hits me right in the face. I shut my eyes tight and then open them slowly as I get used to the light.

"Well, well, well" says the voice of the intruder. "Isn't that our sleeping beauty?" He asks, flicking on the light of the room.

I look around while he slowly paces towards me.

The room is small, and is full of old wooden boxes and spiderwebs.

Everything is covered by a thick layer of dust and dead bugs. But that's the least of my worries right now. I glance at the door, that still is wide open.

Through the frame, I can get a fairly clear view of the room next door. It has really high ceilings and is full with stacked up boxes just like the ones beside me. But what matters the most to me is the door itself: it is made out of metal and from what I can see, it only opens from the outside.

No lockpicking then, I guess.

A warehouse, I decide, is where I'm in.

The dude keeps on walking closer and closer, and I struggle to crawl away from him. Suddenly, my back hits the wall and I know I'm screwed. He reaches me.

He crouches next to me and leans over.

"Hello there, Frank" he says, grinning in the most horrifying way I've ever seen.

"How do you know my name?" I ask. Or at least try to ask, since I realize I've been gagged up, so it comes out more like: 'Gah deh arh reh'.

"Let me help you with that", he says, laughing a little. He reaches down, to the back of my head and unties the gag.

Once it is off, I take a minute to appreciate the importance of fresh air and breathe in frantically. My captor smirks at my patheticness.

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