13: Crazy Drunk Mother's Frank Detection Abilities

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How near or far, I'll find you
Wherever you are
You know I'll find you,
Wherever you go

Gerard's POV
Knock, knock, knock.

My knuckles hit the door once again. Is there nobody home?

I look at the orchids I bought Frankie, now sitting peacefully next to the door and between two rows of beautiful flowers that he planted himself. I think I'll leave them there for a while.

I try the door, remembering how Frankie never has keys on him, and to my surprise it opens easily.

I hesitantly walk in, feeling the emptiness of the house alien without Frankie by my side.

I pace slowly around the room, careful not to step on the many empty bottles that litter the floor. I have to step around a bunch of shards of glass several times before I reach the hallway where Frank's room is located.

"Frankie?" I call in a low voice. I get no answer, so I keep walking. I reach his door, and I'm a little shocked to find it closed.

Actually, I don't even know if it counts as closed, given that the wood is completely torn apart and filled with weirdly shaped holes. Frank's mom, I realize, remembering his story. I feel a sudden surge of hate towards her, and I take a deep breath to calm down.

It's not like I ever liked her, anyway.

I gently push the door with both hands, and it also opens with ease.

I walk in his room and turn on the lights. The bed sheets are all crumpled and the pillow is lying on a corner. The rest of the room is full with piles of dirty clothes and unmade homework. As usual.

"Frankie?" I whisper, although I'm pretty sure I won't get an answer. I've had this sinking feeling ever since I got here that something's off.

I don't know how, but I know that Frank's not here. In fact, I'm positive that he's far from here. However, I push the feeling away and continue to search for him.

Was I wrong when I went to buy him flowers? Maybe if I had arrived earlier he'd be here, and I could've talked him out of whatever stupidity he is up to now. Could he have gone...?

No. Don't think about it, Geetard, I scold myself. I do that a lot, actually.

There is no use in assuming the worst. Besides, Frankie is strong, you've said it yourself. I nod, agreeing with the only reasonable part of my brain for once. But what if the worm managed to get into him? We've already gone over this. Frank is not the kind of stupid weakling to succumb to cowardice, unlike others, you know? I lower my head. I know that.

Now, let's go back to doing something useful. I agree with myself once again and walk into Frank's bathroom. It's empty, as I suspected.

I turn to the door and am about to leave Frank's room when a figure unexpectedly pops up at the doorframe and blocks my way.

Oh shit.

"Y-you are not Frrrronk" Her tone says accusatively, her breath sending an overwhelming wave of alcohol stench in my direction.

I look at both stabbed doors and remember how much she's hurt my Frankie before, and my hands ball up into fists. I officially hate this woman more than anybody else in the world.

"You are not Fraank" She repeats, this time louder. Well, she does have a talent in pointing out the obvious.

I walk towards her, trying to look threatening and standing on my tiptoes to appear taller than I am. I don't really know why I do that, but I've read it works with bears or something...

Problem is, the object of my hate is most certainly not a bear and does not flinch when I reach her.

Instead she frowns and her face goes red with rage.

"YOU. ARE. NOT. FRANK!" She yells and slaps my face. I stumble backwards, the impact taking me out of balance.

My hand unconsciously flies to my cheek, pressing against the damaged area.

Seeing the harm she's caused, she laughs hysterically, and the light in the room is more than enough to get a clear view of her demonic eyes.

Snap out of it, Geetard! Hit her while she's distracted.

I do just that and connect my fist with her jaw.

She seems surprised that I counterattacked, and her jaw hangs open.

You actually broke it, I think and I realize it's true. Judging by the way it dangles in a completely unnatural angle, I did.

Oh my God.

Did I really just break my best friend's mother's jaw?!

While I'm pondering about the weirdness of the situation, she recovers from the blow and prepares to attack again.

As much as I hate her, I don't want to be responsible for killing her or causing her any permanent damage, so I realize I have to stop this.

I let her elbow hit the soft flesh in my stomach and take my breath away for a second. Woah. She does have a lot of strength for a drunk mom.

Think, quick! I urge myself. Remember that lousy self-defense conference they gave you in middle school? I nod to myself.

Frank's mother continues to punch me as I think.

Well, what was the technique they taught you to make someone pass out? I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to focus. I don't really remember. It was something with...

She kicks my back and I fall to the ground.

The arm. I remember, all of a sudden.

I have to press the side of her wrist, then her arm just below the elbow and finally a light punch behind her ear.

I feel proud of myself for remembering it all, but now I have to find a way to grab her arm. I roll to the side, just in time to avoid another one of her crazy drunk mom punches.

She crawls on top of me, and makes the huge mistake of pinning me down with both arms. Got you!

I smile as I press two fingers around her wrist and then her elbow. She just looks at me like I've gone crazy.

Do it! I think, and before I know it, my hand hits her head right behind her right ear, and her body goes limp.

I've done it! I struggle to get her body off me, and stand up, hands on my hips, admiring my deed. It's quite a big thing what I've done, given that I never do anything even slightly physical and all...

I decide to leave her there on the floor. I don't even like her, so why should I bother in trying to find a more comfortable spot for her?

Besides, I don't even know for how long she'll be out, so I'd better hurry. I check all the rooms I haven't gone through and find no sign of Frankie. I knew it.

I walk out of the house quickly, and pull out my phone. I'm just one person, and I can't search the entire city by myself.

"Hey, what's up?" Brendon's voice says from the other end of the line.

"Are you with the dudes?" I ask, referring to his friends.

"No- Yeah. No. Just Ryan, why?" He asks.

"How fast can you gather them and meet me outside Frank's house?"

He's silent for a moment, probably very confused. "Ummm... I... Perhaps in around ten minutes? May I ask why?"

"There's kind of a situation here. Meet me here, all of you. I'll explain later" I say, ending the call.

Wow. I'd never realized how painfully long ten minutes could be.

Hiya ^__^
I think this is like the lamest chapter I've ever written but whatever XD
I hope you like it and don't kill me for taking Frankie away from Gee.
Frerard will happen, just not yet.
Give me a few more chapters to get there :3
Bye Ily

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